Nicky was playing with some cars near my bookshelf and he found some of my old childhood books. One of those was “The Three Little Pigs” and he has been somewhat obsessed with this book the past few days. We have read it.. oh.. maybe about five or six times? I have lost count.
He really gets a kick out of the part of the wolf blowing the houses down and the little pig squealing “No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I will not let you in!”
In any case, one of Nicky’s games that he likes to play is to build a “house” out of cushions on the sofa. He likes me to help him form four walls and a roof and then unceremoniously let it all fall down.
So the extension of this game happened when he figured out it would be fun to repeat the story with the cushions.
I was actually trying to have a lie down (ha! fat chance of that!) and next thing I know this kid is giggling and bringing cushions, one by one, to the bed.
He starts assembling them on the bed.
I figure, I might as well make the best of this situation, so I suggest he build his house and I will be the wolf. (I get to stay in the lying postion). This is lots of fun and he built his house of straw.
“Little pig, little pig, let me come in!”
“Not…a… hair.. chinny chin chin!” (that’s pretty good for him)
“Then I’ll HUFF (blow lots of air at Nicky which he loves – and giggles) and I’ll PUFF (more air and more laughter) and I’ll BLOW your house down!”
I tear down the “house” and he laughs again.
I just love to hear him laugh.
I then get to “eat” him up. That’s fun too.
We repeat this again for the stick house.
Then we get to the brick house. Uh-oh. This one is strong. I can’t blow this one down. I make sure I do lots of huffing and puffing until I say: “I can’t blow the house down, I’m coming down the chimney! Are you ready with the hot water?” I then go down the chimney and we do a big splash.
I guess as much as we’ll keep reading the book we’ll be playing this new game too…
This is really so sweet. You are a cool mom.
ah thanks xxx
Oh Heather, I simply love reading your adventures with Nicky. It takes me back to the times I did it with my kids. Cherish every moment because they grow up way too fast.
Thanks so much Celeste.