You take for granted a normal day until you don’t have one.
The normality of getting into the car in the morning.
Today you wanted to carry on sleeping. I had to leave to get to work and get you to school.
You refused to get dressed. You tugged at the clothes I tried to put on.
It got to the point where I got the pants on but not the top and I put you semi naked in the car.
You cried and pulled the clothes off more.
I had to get Dad to help me hold you down, get the clothes on you and get you strapped in.
All the while you fought like hell against it.
I drove while you sobbed. I thank God that we had the iPad in the car which seemed to calm you down.
Dad phoned a bit later and I actually got you to eat a bit.
We arrived at school and actually had a good day. I was pleasantly surprised.
But then we got home. Your safe zone. The place where you can let it all out.
And you did, when it was time to go for swimming.
You flatly refused to put on your costume.
I had to phone Dad again.
You went limp with resignation this time as I put you in the car. But at least that was easier to strap in.
And when we got to swimming you seemed to be okay with changing into your costume and enjoyed your lesson.
Everything went fine until our next transition: being torn away from the iPad for bathtime.
This was awful again. Just plain awful.
After bathtime while we were reading stories Dad came along and cheered you up with the opportunity to release the confiscated toys we’d had to exile in bad times. He got you to talk to Granny on the phone and say “I love you.” We could see that sweet side of you again.
I know you were so tired today my precious boy.
I just really hope you have a good night’s sleep tonight so that you can handle tomorrow.
Love Mom.
Aaaah Heather – I’m sure those tantrums were hard but this post made me tear… Miss my son!
aah you will see him soon!
Sorry for the bad day. We all have those and even the little ones need a moment, as frustrating as it is for parents.
Hugs… going through a similar phase with my son.
Exhausting day for you both. I do hope today was a while lot better
yes it was, thanks!
Poor baby poor mama