Happy Easter, Bleeps!
I hope you are having a super nice long weekend. Continuing with our analogy theme, there is something about Easter that also corresponds to the struggle of infertility ? if you can get through the long night of Good Friday, you’ll make it to Easter Sunday with the promise of new life.
In fact, if you can make it through many difficult situations (and not just this) there is the promise of new beginnings, new birth and new ways of seeing things.
I am so glad that I have survived Term 1 and now have two weeks holiday. We ended off with a celebration of International Day. Each kid painted a flag, and then they each did a hand print in the middle on the tree.
It’s not really going to be a total rest because I will be doing some prep for the time I am on maternity leave. Also we are doing lots of baby stuff (but that is the fun part). Have a hospital tour, 3d scan, midwife visit and our first childbirth class lined up.
By the way, how cute is this special rugby camp cot? B really liked it, but we eventually saw how the other one had more features.

My mom arrived. She is on her way to see my sister in Seattle and normally makes a few days stop with us in Joburg on the way. It was really nice to see her. Today we went off to church together while B was still busy sorting out the house. We have moved a considerable amount of stuff out the nursery into a cupboard and a room divider so now that room has more space for baby stuff.
We have also been given a stroller from one of the parents at my school. B took all the material stuff off and we had it washed. Then of course there was the fun part of putting back on. He really has been a handyman lately.
I made “Greek Chicken Packets” (thanks Whitney! ) for lunch, although I didn’t have all the ingredients and added my own as well, it was a tasty idea.
Then this afternoon we had more family visiting – my cousin and his wife who is going to be my doula, plus my uncle. Looking forward to having her on board!
My mom got some nice pics of us. There is this one nice one of me looking at B. You can see our wedding pics in the background. It’s a cool pic because of the hopes and dreams of marriage finally coming to fruition…
Happy Easter! Glad you enjoyed the chicken!
Happy Easter Heather 😉
Great pictures Heather. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! Looks like a good time was had 🙂
Thanks, Ladies 🙂 Happy Easter to you too!
Happy Easter!
Thanks for sharing your pictures. You are so super organized!
Thanks Lindi, I don’t think I am so organised actually, just trying! Was so frustrated actually on Sat cos we could not get the discount for the car seat from Toys r us because I had lost the paper from Discovery with vital 16 digit number. Sigh. Very frustrating the way I am losing things at the moment!
Glad you had a good Easter weekend!
absolutely love the camp cot… I want one !!! 🙂