Our grocery shopping trip on a Friday is normally a great time for Nicky and I to enjoy the outing together. We have our traditions: such as eating a banana throughout Pick n Pay. Everyone smiles and thinks Nicky is the cutest. I agree: he can be. However, lately he has become a tad bit difficult. … [Read more...]
Step By Step: How to Sell Baby Goods Online On Mom’s List
Do you find that your house is full of unwanted clutter? Do you still have some unopened baby shower gifts that are just sitting there, gathering dust? I'm going to show you step by step how to get rid of your unwanted baby goods online on Mom's List for cash. It's a great way to neaten up your … [Read more...]
Yummy Mummy Break for Moms on a Monday @Sorbet_Fourways
Being a mom of a small child is an exhausting task. Yet we tend to soldier on, tending to the needs of our kids at the cost of ourselves. We also tend to let ourselves go a little, particularly if, like me, you are a stay at home mom. Do you know that I actually follow a blog called "Fighting off … [Read more...]
The Perfect Biscuit
I'm aware that the sensitive period for order will be with us right up until four years old. But it seems that at this age everything must be in a certain way, or else much grief will ensue. Case in point: 4am and we don't have the perfect biscuit, or in Nicky's terms, "biccy". I'm getting rather … [Read more...]
Mothers After Infertility or Loss: Eleanor’s Story of How She Lost Logan
Welcome to my first person in my new series on mothers after infertility and loss. Eleanor hails from the friendly city of Port Elizabeth (where I was born) and has a touching story to share with us. You can go over to her social media and blog links at the end. About Me: As of pretty … [Read more...]
“Don’t Argue With A Pregnant Woman!” Chris Forrest Takes On Parenthood…
They say that laughter is the best medicine, and after having that wonderful shoulder massage, Chris Forrest certainly did the trick in tickling my funny bone. Every aspect of the baby journey was brought up for ridicule and it was so good just to sit and have a good laugh. Sometimes I think we take … [Read more...]
I Got Pampered… Thanks McDonalds! (I’m lovin it!)
I think if you ask most mothers what they would really like for mother's day, it would be some time to themselves. "Me-time" is a coveted thing for moms who spend their days at the beck and call of little humans and their nights trying to catch a bit of sleep in between cries. Time out is great: … [Read more...]
Starting a Series: Mothers After Infertility or Loss
I’ve been inspired by Cindy Alfino, who has successfully run series on her blog on “I'm a Mom With Tattoos” and more recently “Behind the Scenes of a Mixed Race Family”. I thought, why not do a series myself? Of course, I don’t think I’ll manage to do this every week; I’m going to more realistically … [Read more...]
Working Through Emotions Through Play
So, we've established that Nicky likes to have a comfort item near to him - a toy, a car, a biccy, and most recently I posted about his "Zee-bra". Well, the zebra has been lost for a while, but Nicky found another toy he likes - a wooden bunny given to him as a newborn by my mother-in-law. It has a … [Read more...]
#JoziMeetup thoughts….
Well, the #JoziMeetup is over. We had an absolute fantastic time, although there were the normal ups and downs along the way. I'm not totally sure why, but this particular meetup was very draining for me. It could have been the hour I had to spend in load shedding traffic … [Read more...]