We are all aware that the resources of this planet are limited and we need to manage what we have as best we can. Everything is energy and these principles can be applied across the board, but I think the one form of energy that we are all very aware of that needs to be managed is electricity. Load … [Read more...]
Adrenal Fatigue? So is that what this is…
So I went back to the dietician today. Before I continue, I need to reiterate a disclaimer that I've given before. I am no medical expert and these results are for an individual (me) and are not going to fit a "one size fits all" mentality. This is my story. If you would like to get your own … [Read more...]
Feeding a Toddler in the Car Without The Mess
Many parents and children spend a lot of time in the car. I know we do. Sitting in traffic is hard enough without having to deal with a hungry little tot, whom you don't want to feed because you are scared he is going to spill everything. In this post I will outline some tips on how you will be … [Read more...]
That Time Nicky Hurt His Leg
There are so many unknowns in parenting. We stress about doing things the right way for our children. I think one of every parent's worse fears is when something goes wrong. Will I be able to judge the seriousness of it? Will I do the right thing? At the end of the day we all do our best but when … [Read more...]
Advantages of Electric Toothbrushes for Kids: And Win a Philips Sonicare
My heart was touched the other day. Some food had gotten stuck in my tooth. Nicky ran off to the bathroom to fetch one of the interdental brushes I sometimes use. He is really becoming more aware of objects around him and their uses. He will fetch one when he has things stuck in his teeth too, … [Read more...]
Diet and Fertility
I've written a post before about food that is good for fertility and also a post about vitamins for fertility and pregnancy. I've also reviewed a fertility cookbook, the contents of which I used leading up to my pregnancy. This is the first time, however, that I have actually gone to a dietician for … [Read more...]
Grateful for readers, bloggers, tweeters and family
This post will be a kind of different one today. I'm going to dedicate this post to some very special people, without which this blog would not exist, and they really have helped me on my way. 1. Readers. Yes that's you. Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you to the people who took my survey … [Read more...]
Five Ways Your Toddler Thinks Differently To You
It shouldn't come as a surprise that a toddler thinks very differently to an adult. They do have a very young brain, after all. I've collected a series of how my little boy has a very different approach to life than me. Sometimes I have to say that his way is probably the more creative and fun … [Read more...]
Nicky’s Swimming Lessons
It seems to me that it's been a while since we've had a bit of an update on Nicky, so I thought I'd tell you what we've been up to. One of the fun activities we've been doing this year is Moms and Babes swimming lessons. We are really enjoying them. I've always enjoyed swimming. It seems to cool … [Read more...]
The Grace Factory Needs Help Packing and Sponsoring!
The Grace Factory is a non-profit organisation that collects baby items at locations in Gauteng and the Vaal Triangle, and distributes these items to other non-profit organisations (such as children’s homes and orphanages). I first met founder Amy Westerman at the first #JoziMeetup. She has a … [Read more...]