I'd like to get a bit of blog reader feedback on One Step at a Time and if you can fill in a survey for me, that would be great! I'd like to know a bit more about you and your problems and maybe I can write a post about it. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TBCGZFB Create your own user … [Read more...]
Are You Paying for Too Much Car Insurance?
Are you spending too much of your hard earned money on insurance? Two academics actually put together a paper for the Journal of Economic Psychology back in 2008 to say as much. Zur Shapira (from New York University) and Itzhak Venezia (from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Business … [Read more...]
The Worst (Public) Tantrum We’ve Ever Had (So Far)
Tantrums are just plain awful. As a mom, at home, you understand what's going on and you can deal with it. Put the situation in the public arena... well it just got a whole lot worse. On Saturday I was recovering from a bad night (I didn't sleep well, but Nicky did). The next morning DH watched … [Read more...]
Fertility Update
A little update on our attempts to give Nicky a little sibling. First of all the blood results are in. Insulin Fasting: 4.5 (should be between 2.1 and 10.4) Thyroid TSH: 1.54 (should be 0.35 -3.5) Free T4: 15.9 (should be 7.6-16.1) Prolactin: 8 (should be 3-27) Day 3 … [Read more...]
Fertility Focus Telesummit March 2015
You have to admire Sarah Holland, the founder of the Fertility Focus Telesummit. She took a bit of a break for most of last year with the arrival of her second child through adoption but this year she is back with a bang with not only one, but three telesummits! The first one is coming up now in … [Read more...]
Washing machines, Generators and My Timeless Love
It was Tuesday morning. I had just dropped Dearest Hubby off at work and instead of heading home to have breakfast, start the washing and get going on our day, we were heading to Woodmead Makro. If you were wondering why we were facing morning traffic and getting breakfast from a petrol station, … [Read more...]
Skin Conditions in Pregnancy
This month has Pregnancy Awareness Week (10-16 February) and I thought I'd write about one aspect of pregnancy that every woman must face: the changing condition of your skin. Whether the changes are linked to hormones, the pregnancy itself or existing conditions which become worse during this time, … [Read more...]
Low Carb Mousse Recipes
When we first started Banting I was looking around the internet for resources and recipes when I came across an excellent blog which not only had a ton of recipes but also had tips such as shopping lists. Low Carb is Lekker is now releasing her own book and I was lucky enough to try out one of the … [Read more...]
That Time My Toddler Fell on Me and Gave Me a Black Eye and Other Parenting Adventures
If I think about all the injuries I have sustained directly as the result of being a mother, I could put up quite a list. Starting with Bell's Palsy during pregnancy, things only went downhill from the time my tot became more mobile. He launched himself into my face, causing ulcers, and frequently … [Read more...]
Win A Magic Mesh Kids Shade for Your Car!
Summer is an awesome season for having fun in the sun. Unfortunately it can also be a very hot experience for little ones in the car. We already know that the heat is magnified in a closed vehicle. Driving around in the warmer months can become uncomfortable for children. This is why you need some … [Read more...]