When I was a child in school my mother used to sign my homework diary weeks in advance. It used to frustrate my teachers no end. They did not understand that my mom trusted me to get the work done and saw no reason to check up on my daily tasks. My mother had cultivated a conscience in her child and … [Read more...]
Here we go again… (Visit to the Fertility Doc)
I was sitting in the waiting room of the fertility clinic. It was nearly my turn to go in and I felt a familiar lurch of my stomach. Getting on the infertility rollercoaster again can be nauseating. You never know what's going to happen. You are entirely at the mercy of your body. However, I've … [Read more...]
Tips for Using Reusable Food Pouches.
A long time ago I came across an American blog post that talked about pouches that you could use again and again instead of the store bought ones. The blogger was very excited and did a mass production of food in her pouches for her little one. I thought, wouldn't it be nice if there was something … [Read more...]
Handling Toddler Tantrums
Toddler tantrums are actually a desperate cry for help when all other communication has failed. When you are a toddler you don't have the words to express your feelings, your brain has not developed logical thinking and you cannot deal with big emotions so this is bound to happen at some point. … [Read more...]
23 Kids Play Areas in Johannesburg Where Mom Can Relax
There recently was a thread on the Mamahood Gauteng group about a mom looking for places for her 16 month old toddler to play. I thought I would collect the list of places as a reference for moms who want to relax or work while their kids play. I have put this list into two groups: … [Read more...]
Taking a Two Year old to a Memorial Service
A relative of my husband had passed away so we went to the memorial service. Although it started at 11:30am I wasn't that worried about nap time since for the past few days he hasn't been sleeping in the day at all (apart from yesterday which was a very late nap). I knew he could stay awake. The … [Read more...]
Visiting the Crazy Kidz Farmyard
We are always looking for interesting things to do with Nicky. We have done the zoo and the Lion park many times and wanted something new. DH also only had this last remaining week off and also wanted to do something nice. I had this idea to go look at farm animals with Nicky and so I did a Google … [Read more...]
A Letter to the Tired Mommy
Dear Tired Mommy I see you there. Awake in the early hours of the morning. Your body so wracked with fatigue. But you keep going. You keep responding to your child. This is what true love is. An action. A verb. An act of love to serve. To lose your own sleep to help your own … [Read more...]
Lessons from 2014
This past year has been a good one for me. I've spent time at home again with my son, which is the best thing I could be doing. I added a regular data capture job to my phoning job. But the best thing has been how my blogging has progressed, and I look forward to even more progression in 2015 as I … [Read more...]
And so that was Christmas…
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know we did. I think the best part was being able to draw it out, so that we have been celebrating not just on the actual day but over time with loved ones and spreading the presents out. The trampoline has been a big hit. We have been … [Read more...]