Dearest Husband and I have been married for eleven years now! It really does seem like a lifetime and I can hardly remember not being married. B is my partner for life and has been through all my ups and downs and still accepts me (and knows me best). Our marriage has had its share of good times … [Read more...]
The Trouble with Milo’s Ear and Vets
We interrupt the toddler news to give some attention to our furry friends. Dogs are very special creatures. They give unconditional love and don't ask for much in return. Since Nicky has come along the dogs have stepped down in priority, but are still part of our lives. Coffee still sleeps on … [Read more...]
My little shepherd
When our church needed nativity cuties for their carol service, I was happy to put Nicky's name down. He landed up being allocated to the role of a shepherd. We were very excited. The first project was to find a costume. We found a tunic at Pirouette. It was a bit small and we had to wait for a … [Read more...]
We met Barney today! (Thanks @SharonVW @MamaMagicSA)
These days I seem to be very lucky with winning competitions on blogs. I won a meet and greet with Barney through the Blessed Barrenness, Sharon van Wyk. I've actually been keen to go to the Mama Magic Show just to check out all the cool things for toddlers. This show is not just limited to … [Read more...]
The Problem with Blogging Competitions
Like many other bloggers, I have been writing for some time. Through blogging I have unburdened my heart, made firm friends and doors have opened for me. I'm so gratified that the SA Mom blog community is so active and supportive of each other. There is so much to be grateful for. I am. Yet there … [Read more...]
It’s Movember: Testicular Cancer and Fertility
Infertility is hard enough without dealing with the added stress of cancer. Movember is the month dedicated to testicular cancer. I thought, in honour of this month, we'd take a look at some celebrities who have battled cancer and still managed to have children. 1) Scott Hamilton, … [Read more...]
Seven Signs of Having a Little Boy Around
Being a mom to a little boy is a special blessing. There is a special bond with my little man and the evidence of his boyhood is all over our house. I thought I'd share a few ways he has been showing his maleness. If you've just found out you're having a boy, or you already have one of these little … [Read more...]
World Prematurity Day: Catherine Shares Her Story and Encouragement
17 November is World Prematurity Day. What better way to commemorate this day than to share a story of a mom who dealt with this situation, and hear what she says if you find yourself in a similar predicament. Here is Catherine's story: Our little boy Kai was born on Saturday, 16 Nov, … [Read more...]
Nicky 29 Month Update
It's been a while since I've done some Nicky news so I thought I'd update you all on how he is doing, bullet point style. -Nicky seems to have moved to another level of being interested in everything around him, particularly in how things work, open and shut and function. He likes going into … [Read more...]
A Lesson in Service: How Daily Dish Turned a Bad Taste into Something Delicious
I have to hand it to Daily Dish. Every week they put together new recipes for four days, pack up the exact measured ingredients in boxes for three categories (classic, low carb and vegetarian) and deliver it to their customers every Monday. What could go wrong? A lot, I'm sure, if I was doing it. I … [Read more...]