My previous blog post and giveaway was a big success! The winner of the soother steriliser was Stephanie, from Pretoria. I have now been given five more soother/ dummy sterilisers to give away. They are also all green, so you don't have to worry about the gender preferences. Just a recap on … [Read more...]
Weaning – I Just Can’t Do It.
Nicky has recently turned two and shows no sign of dropping the boob. Although the day feeds are a lot less, he still needs it to go to sleep and when emotionally distressed. I keep trying to stop, but I'm weak. Here is a list of my procrastination methods: 1) Get another sippy cup. We have a … [Read more...]
Why We are Drawn to the Train Wreck of Reality TV
Two reality shows have recently finished their run on South African television and they had some pretty unique endings. The train wreck of watching people's lives unfold on television isn't a new phenomenon, as any seasoned ex Jerry Springer watcher will tell you. However, I have to say, that we … [Read more...]
Opening and Shutting
I remember the nurse at the baby class saying that in the first year, babies want to know what things ARE (i.e. put it in your mouth and discover it with all your senses) and in the second year they want to know how things WORK. In other words, they love exploring the function of things. As Nicky … [Read more...]
Why Baby Equipment Needs to be Sterilised – PLUS Win a Soother Steriliser
I went to the launch of Milton SA's latest products with a certain amount of trepidation. I wasn't quite sure if this event was a good fit for me. I never really used Milton. I sterilised Nicky's bottle and pumping equipment when he was little in the microwave and I have been breastfeeding ever … [Read more...]
Nicky and the Birds
Winter holidays are here and a great venue to take the kids to is the Montecasino Bird Gardens. We took advantage of my father visiting and decided to make a morning of it. The last time we took Nicky to see animals he was six months old and it was the zoo. He was more interested in the hedges in … [Read more...]
Pirates and Princesses: Lovely new kid’s range at Sheet Street
I know when we eventually manage to get Nicky to sleep in a separate bed that we will need some interesting bedding for him to get excited about. I look forward to the day when he is not waking up at night and can enjoy his own little spot to sleep in. In the meantime I will salivate at the … [Read more...]
Terrific Twos
There seems to be a lot going on with Nicky these days so I thought I'd just do a bullet point update on how he is doing. - Last Wednesday he climbed up a jungle gym all by himself. He needed help a few times to get down but after a while he could do it himself. - His speech … [Read more...]
Toddlers and Balls – My little rugby player
There is something that Nicky loves almost as much as he loves wheels and that is - BALLS! He loves to kick, throw and enjoy playing with balls. He will often come to me with his ball, wanting me to kick with him. Recently I have noticed there is a lot of seriousness going on when he kicks … [Read more...]
Montessori Sandpaper Letters vs Kids Academy Traceable Letters Review by a Montessori teacher
Can concrete materials ever be replaced by screen applications? The short answer is no, but they sure are a great compliment to the learning process. I was asked by Sverve to do a review of Kids Academy Company application. I had actually already downloaded their Traceable Letters app. I often … [Read more...]