I'm jist a girl who cain't say no, I'm in a turrible fix I always say "come on, le's go" Jist when I orta say nix! This song, sung by the character Ado Annie Carnes in the musical Oklahoma, seems to capture how hard it is to say "No." In this case, she has a problem saying no to … [Read more...]
Cleaning Up Cresta
Entering a shopping mall with a toddler may be challenging enough when you need to keep them beside you and out of danger (theirs and other people's). Find out in this post how much more interesting the situation becomes when you throw a toy mop into the mix. . . We often like to go out for … [Read more...]
My Little Helper
Even though Nicky is so little, he has been showing me lately how involved he wants to be in my tasks. Indeed, he likes to "help" me in his own little way. I love it. I am going to be so thrilled if he continues in this way. 1) Putting things back: Yesterday, as I was getting breakfast … [Read more...]
“So, What Do You DO All Day?
My hairdresser asked me this question idly the other day, while cutting my hair. I wonder if it’s only stay at home moms that get asked this question. I tried to decipher the intention behind the words. Was it condescension (“I know what I do, I cut hair every day. And I get paid for it”) or genuine … [Read more...]
Things I Like to Put in my Truck
Nicky received a very special gift for his first birthday from his grandfather. It was a bright red metal truck. My DH received this for his second birthday, so it is kind of a family heirloom. You can see pictures of two year old DH playing with it and read more about NIcky's first birthday … [Read more...]
Oh, The Things I Can Do With Mom’s Plastic Containers
Nicky has his own personal cupboard in the kitchen. It keeps him occupied when I am busy cooking or doing dishes. Here is a list of what he gets up to with them. Of course there are probably more things I could be missing. 1) Throwing. This is the first thing he normally does. Always fun. … [Read more...]
How Infertility has Affected my Parenting
Before I get to today's post, I want to ask you a favour. Can you please pop over to Shannon's blog at Infertility Awakening and give her some support? She lost her adopted five month old daughter due to the birth dad pitching up out of the blue. I can never imagine what she is going through right … [Read more...]
While You Are Busy… Your Toddler Is Too…
What does your little one get up to when you are busy in the kitchen? I took some pictures of some cute things that my little one was busy with while my back was turned. Explores and unpacks my make up bag: This happened when I was busy making breakfast. … [Read more...]
Yelling Update
For those of you wondering how it is going with my yelling resolution after reading that book about how to stop yelling and start connecting, this post is an update on that. Initially it was a bit discouraging to merely tick every day off as a failure. Crumbs, I yell every day. It sucks!!! I … [Read more...]
Stain Removal
"Out, damned spot! Out, I say!" -Lady MacBeth (Shakespeare) Well, yes, we aren't quite saying that stains can drive us insane or into a guilt induced washing frenzy like Lady MacB, but they certainly can be irritating. In fact I have been known to lose it as Nicky throws food on our carpet, … [Read more...]