Paulo Coelho always writes such life affirming books. You know you've read a good book when it has made you examine your life more deeply and given you inspiration. This is what he does. Veronika decides to die. It appears to me that she attempts to end her life out of sheer boredom. She has … [Read more...]
The “F” Word
First of all, this isn't the "F" word that you think it is. For a new mother preoccupied with feeding her baby it can only be one thing. Formula. Yes, bleeps, I have actually taken the step of using this stuff. I really didn't want to, but out of sheer desperation I crossed that line. It … [Read more...]
Fun times at 2am…
My milk supply seems to be running low. It has been starting to happen at night for the past few days and now it is happening in the day too. Poor little Nic Nac is so frustrated. But I think he is a lot smarter than me. It really is taking me some time to learn his cues and figure out what … [Read more...]
First 3 weeks
Hi bleeps! I know I haven't updated this blog in a while. I have been very busy with Nicholas. He is at the moment all clean, nappy changed and fed, so should be sleeping for a bit. (I spoke too soon - this post got interrupted. I fed him ( boob 15 min, expressed milk from pumping 80 ml) so he … [Read more...]
Birth Part Two: First Week Freak Out
PART TWO: THURSDAY- SATURDAY: THE FIRST FEW DAYS I ended off the first post on Nicholas’ birth by saying that it is a bit of a shock to find that the little one you have been carrying inside you for so long is now a real live baby that you have to care for. Lulu put it really well: Here is … [Read more...]
The birth of Nicholas – Part One
Hello all you wonderful blogging people! I’m sure you’re dying to know how it all went, so make yourself a cup of your favourite beverage; this is going to be a long post! PART ONE: WEDNESDAY: THE BIRTH I had to stop eating by 6am and be there at 10am for the 12 noon operation. … [Read more...]
Baby Shower No 2
Hello bleeps! How are you doing? I still have half a face! But I must say the nesting instinct is definitely kicking in as B and I sorted out the nursery yesterday, packing everything in order and feeling a lot more sorted. I had a fantastic baby shower on Friday at work. The whole school made a … [Read more...]
ENT and Gynae visits
Hello bleeps! Try keeping up with me and my latest medical escapades! Yesterday, I went to the beauty shops to get all sorted out for my op. It was so good to see my old therapist there and catch up (yip I drove the extra miles because they had moved, but trust me, I’d rather do that than … [Read more...]
Ear Infections and Bell’s Palsy
I interrupt the cheery news of belly pics and baby showers to give you the sad update on my health. On the positive side, baby is fine. (As far as I know, he’s still kicking...) Remember I told you guys about more than a week ago about the insect that flew in my ear? Well, the ear problem … [Read more...]
Belly pics, 37 weeks
I owe M from "I love you baby very much" 's maternity shoot post. I shamelessly stole this idea from her. I figured my hubby is a good photographer and we could create some nice pics. I especially liked the one with her and the leaves plus the one with the flower. So we went out into the garden and … [Read more...]