Today we spent the day at Sandton City. It is a huge mall in Johannesburg attached to a Convention Centre, where they were having a Canon show.
B is very into his photography so he wanted to look around. We got there around 10am and the place was packed. You could hardly move because of the amount of people walking around. You basically had to queue to talk to talk to the sales guys.
Anyway B’s printer/fax/scanner has not been working for a long time due to lightning damage (a common problem here in Joburg) so in the end we got one of those. He was also interested in the lenses but wants to research it a bit more.
We watched a very interesting lecture on wildlife photography. The photographer was very down to earth and showed us some beautiful pictures.
The highlight of the trip for me was going to Toys R Us and collecting my baby bag. In SA we have a super medical aid (health insurance) which has a rewards program called Vitality and when you register with their baby program you get a nice bag full of stuff including lots of vouchers.
I immediately started looking at the vouchers and the big stuff in the store.
Looking at the strollers, I saw they only had vouchers for the Maclaren (didn’t look so good) and the Peg-Perego (the super expensive). We landed up liking both a Chico and Chelino one instead. These would include the car seat, which, if you use the voucher, limits you to Ferrari brand.
We saw both a high chair and cot that we liked (both Chariot brand). I like this particular cot because it has a raised part with a little “hood” and you can detach that part and it becomes a larger cot.
The bag itself has lots of lovely goodies. I now have more stuff in the baby room!
-a very soft brown blanket
-a “taglet”, meant to help the infant sleep (it’s like a square of material with soft bumps on it)
-Nuk bottle and Avent container
-Johnson’s baby wash and aqueous cream
-Bennett’s bum cream
-Nappies (in the US you call them diapers) 6
-Maternity panty and pad
-A list of vaccinations
-Beautiful lullabies cd
-And a book: “Complete baby and childcare” by Dr Miriam Stoppard
-And of course a nifty orange bag.

B has taken all our fluffy toys and laid them out ready. Don’t ask why we have so many. It’s kind of been collected over the years. Before we had dogs, we had fuffies.
Oh my word – so exciting for you guys! I also read your 12 week scan post and saw your pics – totally stoked for you 🙂
How exciting! Part of me can’t wait to just get a few small things…just something around the house I can pick up and hold in my hands, but every time I walk through a baby (and even maternity) section…I just can’t yet. Maybe after the 12-week screen (have mine the 19th), which also – YAY for yours going so well!! So happy for you!
ICLW — looking at your picture, it appears that some of those goodies are the sample size. From a been-there-done-that suggestion, save those to go in your diaper bag or when you travel so that you don’t have to carry full size everywhere.
Amy: yes I also started buying after that 12 week scan.. it does make it easier.
Sharah: thanks for the useful suggestion!
Please advise how do I apply for this baby bag it looks grate
Hi Anamika
You have to be a member of the Discovery Medical Aid and then their Vitality Rewards program to qualify. Maybe find out from them if you can just join Vitality?