Hi bleeps!
I know I haven’t updated this blog in a while. I have been very busy with Nicholas. He is at the moment all clean, nappy changed and fed, so should be sleeping for a bit.
(I spoke too soon – this post got interrupted. I fed him ( boob 15 min, expressed milk from pumping 80 ml) so he should really be out now. I also grabbed something to eat. You have to grab your moments!
My mom left on Friday. I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude enough to her for literally dropping everything at the time when I was hospitalized with high blood pressure problems a month before the birth. She landed up spending six weeks with us. She really ran around and did everything for me, and took care of me. She also cooked a lot of nutritious vegetables and B lost about 8 kg’s in the time she was here.
She set up the rental of a hospital grade pump which pumps amazingly (Medela Symphony) which I can credit with keeping my milk supply going. She got an excellent lactation consultant in who has been visiting and supporting me with Whatsapp text messages. She got me the la leche league book and membership and gave me details of meetings. All of this at her own expense.
However, as you guys remember from my last post, breast feeding was challenging for me. Nicholas was good at sucking on my nipple but not so good at drinking with a nice big latch. This is what we have been slowly working on. I went through about four days when I didn’t breastfeed at all and just pumped. Gradually I started again, in the afternoon sitting in the sun where he could be relaxed, and with a bottle of pumped milk handy in case things went wrong. And for the past few days I’ve been doing it more often. I’m still finding though, that he isn’t drinking and latching as well as he should, so getting this right is a long process we will keep working on.
I feel like I would like to have this skill, so I don’t have to sit with sterilizing bottles all the time, and bond better with Nic. I also, however, want to cut myself some slack, and be okay with it not working. We will do what we have to do, and not put pressure or deadlines on ourselves. Although the pump must go back in two weeks and some decisions must be made then. But not whether or not we will breast feed. That is something I’m taking one day at a time.
Enough on that. (Although feeding is such a consuming thing at the moment).
Sleep: varies, but at the moment we are going to bed around 11pm after two bottles of 60ml (one at 10, although the past two nights it has just been the one) then wake up either 12:30 or 1:30 and then again at two hour intervals – mostly 2:30, 5:30 then 7).
Nic has regained his birth weight and last Wed was 3.32kg. I have found a nice clinic which is part of the pharmacy down the road and they will do the vaccines for me as well. It will be a lot cheaper than going though the pediatrician.
We got another car seat in the end because the other one is just too big. Not that he has been on any road trips yet in it.
I have a super wrap thing (baby wrapz) that I carry him in. He sleeps nice and close to me and it’s also great when we have visitors as he can be away from stimulation and be safe with me.
He is still snoring but I’m sure will wake up for another feed soon.
B is being a great father cuddling him in the mornings before he gets ready for work. His parents arrived on Saturday and I think its nice for him to have his family here for a change.
We also have a variety of nicknames for him already. Nicholas Brent is also Nicky B. and Nic Nac.
And he still has the most amazing smile.
I love that you are calling him Nic Nac – so sweet. I’m sorry you are still struggling with breastfeeding. It is a lot to be pumping, sterilizing bottles, and trying to breastfeed. I remember feeling like all I ever did was feed or prepare for the next feed. I hope he gets the hang of it soon and that gives you a break. If not, I’m really glad you are not putting too much pressure on yourself either way.
We had a hard time establishing a strong latch with my first baby – I still remember bawling my eyes out when lactation consultant watched me nursing her after much, much practice, and finally getting a good latch, and then saying “eh, I think she could do better.” While LCs are great, and BFing support is great, it’s also a little bit… invasive, perhaps? Something about it seems intrusive into this private relationship you have that is in a way totally exclusive to you and your baby.
Anyway, it sounds like you’re doing an awesome job – this is such a demanding time and yet such a precious and tender time too. Love and hugs to you and your little family!
I’m glad someone has said this – yes! It is invasive.
I see we all have our ups and downs about breastfeeding. I’m told by everyone to hang on until he’s 6weeks. So 3 to go. Lets hope it will get better and we have tons of milk and great latching and sucking and not sleeping on the boob..like in our case…lol…
Thinking of you xxx sending love and kisses.
Wishing the same to you! (but I heard it can ake longer than 6 weeks)