As I’ve mentioned before, you don’t need a lot of money to amuse a child. They are more interested in real objects. But there are some things you can put together using things you have lying around the house anyway, which you can utilize.
1) A rustling pillowcase: Babies and toddlers love the sound of plastic and to avoid fears of suffocation, especially when they are so little, pop a few bags in a pillowcase. This picture was taken when Nicky was around four months old and he liked to play with it.
2) A water and oil bottle: For this idea I have to thank Missy Homemaker. You add coloured water and baby oil to a bottle. Kids are fascinated by the fact that they don’t mix. I think Nicky would appreciate it more when he is older, because at the moment he just wants to place it in his mouth. A variation on the bottle is putting glitter or shiny paper in it, they also like that.
3) Shaker: You can make anything into a shaker. Any container that contains objects that make a noise. Nicky loves going into my kitchen cupboards and shaking containers in there. He also likes the packets that have the tea bags in (plastic rustling sound).
I tried to make a shaker out of an old juice tin with plastic lid and noodles inside. It was a big hit, he enjoyed shaking it. However it was even more fun to open it up and throw the noodles.
4) Opening and shutting: Nicky is going through a stage where he likes to open and shut doors, or anything really. Even an old dustbin can be used (don’t worry, it’s clean, and there’s nothing in it!)
5) Posting things through holes. You can make holes in a container for them to post pegs through, or get them to put pegs around an old coffee tin. Our latest game is to post pegs through a hole in a shed as I’m hanging up washing. He gets such a thrill when I go inside and get them all and the game begins again.
So, does anyone else have some cool ideas for home made toys?
Great suggestions, thanks Heather!
Your boy is so cute! Home made toys are the best! My boys got the best thrills of ‘cooking’ with a pan and a wooden ladle!
This is a wonderful post! The rustling pillow case is my favorite. Have you gotten out the refrigerator box yet? It make a great lil playhouse when you cut out a couple of windows and a door!
Brilliant! More fun for less cost, satisfying to make, and environment-friendly too.
I love these! I will pin this to remember for later! I also find that babies love taking things out of things and putting them back in. I like to put dishtowels or something like that in a laundry basket, small bucket or any kind of container and let him have at it!
This is a great list! I love homemade toys! I definitely will try some of the ideas.
Kids don’t need all the store bought stuff! I remember when my oldest turned 2 and opened her presents, so she was so happy that she received hangers! (Not the clothes on the hangers.) I used to take an old cocoa container with a plastic lid, cut out a rectangle on the top, and keep the metal tops to glass baby food jars. They could take those tops in and out of the container and liked the noise when you shook the container that had the lids in them.
It always seems like they love the free “toys” the best. I loved reading through your stories. You are strong and encouraging 🙂