It truly is amazing how things are working out for me. After posting last time about my interest in child stimulation, an opportunity opened up for me. It would be training nannies in this kind of thing. Only around four mornings a month, but ideal for me, as I could just leave Nicky with the maid for those mornings and pump some milk. Hopefully next year he will be eating more on solids anyway. Also something has come up which would be phone calls from home, which looks great – I could do it while he naps. So that step of faith I took in resigning my job and hoping that I could find some part time work that suited me has really worked out. And all through a good friend. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. You know?! Praise God!
Nicky is doing really well. We are now going to another stimulation class. It isn’t a franchise, but this lady is a child health nurse / midwife / educator and also does developmental assessments. Apart from doing exercises she also talks about all the social, cognitive and developmental stuff that is going on, so I am learning a lot. She even gave me exercises for Nicky’s feet. I have flat feet and wouldn’t want this to happen to him. She also seems to have lots of ideas for stuff you can do at home cheaply eg fill a plastic bottle with glitter.
I am trying to put him more on the floor so he can practice his rolls, but we are still working on it. What he loves now are those dangly toys which will give me at least 15 mins peace and it keeps him occupied. He also likes anything that rustles and likes to play with the wet wipe container.
It’s really been incredible to watch him master holding an object with two hands. First he moaned with the concentration and eventually he got it. He now loves to hold his toy giraffe and bite its head. In fact, biting anything and everything. And grabbing.
He still makes telletubbie noises but now we also have cooing and screeching. We have whole conversations with funny noises.
The only thing I am strugglng with is when he cries and at times I don’t know how to help. But it isn’t all the time.
My DH has been working very hard and late to support us. He has eye problems and is going for laser surgery soon.
Well I better get back to my cute kid who is kicking his legs impatiently.
So glad to hear that opportunities are opening up for you but on a schedule that allows you to spend most of your time with your beautiful boy. That photo of the two of you is gorgeous!
Nick is so cute! Olivia is also grabbing everything and everything goes straight in her mouth!
Such lovely pics! He is growing up sooooo fast
He’s adorable. That sounds like a great opportunity!!
Congratulations on the new opportunity Heather. It sounds absolutely perfect for you!
Thanks, ladies.
Hi from ICLW. My mom has flat feet and she opted to put me in corrective shoes under the guidance of the ped doc. LOL I have high arches now. Hoping you have a good holiday weekend.
Hi from ICLW!
Sounds like you have some great things coming on your horizon! And your son is so precious!
ICLW #38
Stopping by from ICLW to say hi!
I love watching Baby Spouse learn to do new things, and even though I work in child development it amazes me how gradually he learns/teaches himself to do things – if you aren’t around the baby all day, you don’t see the little steps.
(here from ICLW by the way).
It is so true there are lots of little steps that make up a big one.
Happy ICLW! What a beautiful baby boy you have! So precious!!!!
ICLW #17
It’s frustrating when they cry and you don’t know how to help. Just keep doing your best!
Visiting from ICLW.
Thanks, Azara, I take it you know how that feels!
Hi from ICLW! Glad you are finding opportunities to work but also spend most of the time with Nicky. I love that picture at the bottom of him an (I assume) your DH.
Yip, that’s him.
I was wondering if you could share any of the exercises to avoid being flat-footed. I also wonder when being flat-footed typically shows up.
The exercises are mainly about striking the arch area with your hand and then also sliding it along his leg i.e. stimulating the area.
I don’t know when it comes in, but I’m sure you can google it…
Hi from ICLW! What a cute boy you have
That age is so fun!
That sounds like a great opportunity for you! Your little one is adorable. I love that he’s ‘exploring’ with his teeth
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your little boy is ADORABLE.
Found your website through your comment at Mud Hut Mama. I’ll be praying that your husband’s surgery goes well. Congratulations on your new job!