First of all, this isn’t the “F” word that you think it is. For a new mother preoccupied with feeding her baby it can only be one thing.
Yes, bleeps, I have actually taken the step of using this stuff. I really didn’t want to, but out of sheer desperation I crossed that line.
It initially started because I didn’t have enough milk, but now I’m using some at night just to help me get some rest. I feel really bad. I know breast milk is best. I might at some stage actually get him latching efficiently, so he can get all he needs by himself, but until then I am dependent on the pump and the breast is more like a comforting snack for him at this stage.
I’ve had some very different feeding experiences this week. On Monday it was a marathon alternating a 60 ml expressed milk and breastfeeding, almost as if he wasn’t getting enough and needed a top up each time. Wednesday was a great day because I managed to get time to express enough for the whole day. And he had a nice long afternoon nap. It was as if he was giving me a break. But the night did not continue like this. He was so hungry he finished my expressed at about 1:30am and then I had to go to the kitchen and prep the formula which I really thought I would not need. Sigh.
Last night I was more realistic about it and had 2 bottles each of expressed milk and prepped water, but he decided to puke the formula. He does that sometimes. So I had to pump at 4am and 6am.
He feeds every two hours. You can set your clock by him. If he fed at 12 it will be “Waaaa!” at 2. Or I should rather say “Neh!” – (thanks Elizabeth for that link in the previous post – it does help to know those sounds and what they mean).
Here is some more information on formula, and more reasons why I’d like to get this breast feeding thing right.
-what else do you do when you don’t have milk, or are struggling to get it out efficiently? -what about working moms who don’t have a chance to be with their babies or pump? If and when I go back I won’t have a chance to do all this pumping.
-physically bad for baby: baby’s intestines are open to allergy producing substances. Babies need mother’s milk (which has antibacterial and antiviral agents, intestinal soothes, growth hormones) and time to mature. My DH has first hand experience of this being rushed to hospital at five months and having a section of his intestine removed. (For the first six months babies don’t have an immune system). So yes, I’m very aware of the dangers.
-expense and bottle washing. Enough said. Very time consuming stuff.
All in all, I know it’s bad, but when you have a hungry baby and no milk, you sure are grateful for it. And, little Nicholas is now 3.74kg, which is 260g more than last week – yay!
Well, he just had a record breaking 3 hour nap, and is just waking up. I better go…
I’m so sorry you are still struggling with this. I was so certain that I would never use formula before my daughter arrived but you can’t always control your circumstances. I beat myself up about it for such a long time but at the end of the day I did the very best I could in the situation I was in. You are clearly doing the same and I really hope that he starts breastfeeding heartily but if not I hope knowing that you put so much effort in and gave it your very best go will give you some peace.
Thank you, I needed that!
I’m right there with you xxx
Thanks, my friend.
I’m sorry this is still going so rough! You are going above and beyond to get him as much breast milk as you can, so try not to be too worried about the formula. I hope you won’t need it soon, but even if you continue to supplement, you’re giving him exactly what he needs. I hope you’re taking good care of yourself and you get a chance to have a hot bath and a loooooong nap, too!
Yes I am , thanks to mom in law! They are leaving tomorrow, so I have to take advantage while I can.