I’ve just been downloading a whole load of ebooks. I actually don’t know how I got there. It was one of those comment love posts that I just clicked through.
But there is a load of stuff there including fertility ebooks that I know lots of you would be interested in. Even on feeding and potty training… And attachment parenting.
Have you ever wished motherhood came with a manual?
Whether motherhood makes you feel overwhelmed or whether you feel like you’ve found your stride as a mother, we are here to help you be the best mother to your children that you can be. We can also help you deal with infertility and prepare you for giving birth confidently and joyfully.
We’ve got the resources you need to help your kids be healthier, to raise your children to be polite, caring people, to live more eco-friendly, and to make your home non-toxic.
For 1 week only, get a downloadable package of 35+ e-books specifically designed to encourage and equip mothers to nurture their families (and themselves!) naturally for just $29.97. Since these books together are worth more than $525, this is nearly a 95% discount!
There are also more than a dozen coupon codes and FREE products worth nearly $200 included to help you on your natural living journey!
These e-books reflect the work of 32 well-known Ph.D.’s, fertility specialists, lactation consultants, natural health professionals, authors, and bloggers who are passionate about motherhood and caring for mothers.
This is an intelligent, joy-filled collection that will inspire any mother to feed her beautiful babe well, feel confident in making difficult mothering decisions, and celebrate motherhood(even when it seems overwhelming).
Here are some that look interesting:
Click here to view more details
I nominated you for a blogging award! http://waitingforourbambino.blogspot.com/2013/06/super-sweet-blogging-award.html