I first got to know Krissi McVicker through ICLW, the one week in the month where you exchange a certain number of comments per day on a list of blogs organised by Mel, the Stirrup Queen of infertility blogs.
Krissi was somewhat different in that she had already achieved all her miracle babies and focused her attention instead on others. She would choose three bloggers out of the list and give them some publicity on her site. One time she even picked me. It was such a nice feeling.
Krissi also undertook to tell the success stories of others on her blog as well, and I landed up doing that as well, although I just used the same story I had given to Circle and Bloom.
So I was really interested to read her story and finally find out what lay behind this giving demeanor.
First of all I found out she is also a teacher. 🙂
And her medical aid covered her treatment completely!!! Totally not fair.
Here are some of the things she had to contend with during her infertility journey:
-low sperm count
-2 chemical pregnancies
-failed cycles
-missing a phone call from her clinic so that she took the wrong meds
-3 IVF, 3 FET cycles plus trying naturally in between
I think the most memorable part of the book for me was how her efforts to create life were shadowed by her mother’s failing health and death, and how even after she passed the reminders of her presence were there in symbolic form (a butterfly, blooming flowers). Her mother’s faith that things would work out, that her children were coming, is also something precious to read about. The fact that mom did not make it to see the grand kids just makes me extra grateful that mine is still around.
Krissi in the end had three children, two of them twins.
This is an excellent book to read for those going through IVF as it really takes you blow by blow through every procedure as well as the emotional highs and lows.
- B’s first birthday as a father – although this pic was taken in the early days.
And by the way it is my DH’s birthday today.
Happy Birthday Hubby!!! You are the best and I don’t know what I would have done without you.
So lovely that Krissi told your story on her blog and now you can help to promote her book – sounds like a good one! Hope your hubby had a wonderful birthday and that Nicky gave him some extra smiles.
Thanks Jody. 🙂
Thank you so much for this review! So glad you liked it!