This post will be a kind of different one today. I’m going to dedicate this post to some very special people, without which this blog would not exist, and they really have helped me on my way.
1. Readers. Yes that’s you. Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you to the people who took my survey and said such nice things.
I like that you mix things up, but still write a lot about parenting your son in a down to earth real way.
It’s encouraging to me that most respondents are interested firstly in toddlers, then fertility, then children, so I’m glad because I do write about those first two topics a lot. The topics people wanted were: parenting, fertility, marriage and what to feed a fussy kid. I do write on the first two topics, but I don’t think I’m really an expert on marriage. Cindy has written some good posts on it though, and how it evolves with kids. For a fussy eater, try these recipes we learnt about at the Mom Blog Meetup.
2. Bloggers and Tweeters
I think I am so lucky that I have met so many local bloggers in the past year. They have enriched my life and showed me that we can be a community. What’s really special, though, is some really nice tweets that people have put out there that made me feel all warm inside.
Laura wrote this one, something that made me smile, because I know that we are working towards doing some great things for bloggers in this country, and it makes me excited.
Shan wrote this one; I’m glad you had a great day. Shan also has a child about Nicky’s age and we have a lot in common.
You guys sure know how to make me feel special and I am feeling so blessed.
To all the SA mom bloggers: you rock. Finding time to blog and take care of everything else (like your kids – full time job there) is really appreciated.
3. Family
My family is the most important. My husband is my rock who keeps me stable. And without Nicky, there would be no inspiration to post all the things I do. He is just a miracle child and I am so happy to have him in my life. My cup runs over.
Did you know that my family are blog contributors in their own way? My husband often reads my posts and helps me edit. He also takes great pictures. My father takes fabulous pictures too. I’m glad they are around helping me.
Most of all I am grateful to God for blessing me so much.
What are you grateful for right now?
Beautiful, gratitude is such a wonderful thing.
What a beautiful post Heather! I am thankful for a lot the same things as you are but today, mostly I am thankful that the school holidays are around the corner.
I’m glad you’re grateful too!
Grateful for my family. Grateful for good health and grateful for a roof over my head , food on my plate and a job that pays the bills
I am grateful for my children, my husband, and to God for having given me all I have. I am also grateful for coffee and white chocolate marshmellow eggs 😉
Aww, I missed the survey! I’m thankful for so many things, but right now I’m most thankful for ice cold drinks- water, coffee, tea, etc. So much of the world goes without clean, cold water, let alone my other specialty drink.
I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award, hope you gain some readership by it!! 🙂