Reading books with your child is not only good for their education, it’s a good way to connect with them and calm them down.
Case in point: Nicky was throwing a tantrum the other night. It was bath time and I was tearing him away from his iPad. He had a huge meltdown. No amount of cars in the bath would help either. In the end I decided he was too tired and I was going to forget about the bath, just get him into his PJ’s and head for bed. We got dressed (amid tears) and teeth brushed and then I said “Would you like to read a story?”
“Story!” (Nicky doesn’t usually say yes. He repeats the word you have said rather.)
In any case I let him choose and he took out one of our Kid’s Book Club books, which was all about Bananas Gorilla (who loves bananas, just like Nicky).
In any case, after reading three books there was a noticeable difference in Nicky. The temper had diffused. I had my boy back. He was laughing about all the banana peels in the sea. He was quite happy to go say “Night Night Dad” and then we were off to bed.
Whew. Thanks Kid’s Book Club.
If you’re wondering what Kid’s Book Club is, it’s an affordable subscription service. Our set of books arrived in a groovy cheerful Spring bag. We had two books but we actually got a bonus one free (the Gorilla Bananas book). That one was attached to a sticker book. All kids love stickers, especially Nicky! I normally do most of the sticking but he likes to show me where to put them and also helps me put them down with much excitement.
The other nice thing is that I received two magazines for myself (Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan) so that was a bonus! (They were a month behind but hey, still good content as I don’t always buy them, but like to sit and read a magazine!). That’s much needed me time right there. One example is when Nicky is sitting occupied in his sandpit and I’m keeping him company and making sure he hasn’t thrown all the sand at Coff-dog. Neither of them have been to the beach yet. 🙂
Kid’s Book Club is giving away a month’s subscription to one winner of OSAAT blog.
Using the Rafflecopter entry below, the one thing you must do is leave a comment about the child you’ll use the winning subscription for: tell me their gender and age. You’ll obtain additional entries, however, for Facebook likes and tweets about this giveaway.
The giveaway is open to residents of South Africa and will be open for a week until 5 October.
You can read more about the club on their website here.
My little girl is 21 months old
My little girl is 5 years old 🙂
My baby boy is 2 months old!! Love reading him stories already
My daughter is 5 yrs
Oliver has just turned four. He loves reading and singing 🙂
3-year old girl who thinks she going on 13. 😛
I have a little girl she is 15 month old. i’ve noticed that whenever she sees one of her books, she picks them up and brings it to me or her dad would like us to read to her. So i would love to win this for her to increase her enjoyment of books and love for it!
My little girl is 15 months old. She loves books!
My daughter is 6 years old and we are currently easing into the more reading less TV mode. I would love to win some more books
My son is 2 years old
My son who is 5