I think you might have gathered that we really love books around here. You can have a chance to win a month’s subscription to Kid’s Book Club in this post and I couldn’t be happier to give this one away because I really do enjoy these books so much.
So let’s recap which books I have received so far from this service and why I like them.
First month: Banana books plus sticker activity book. Two story books on bananas which we loved and still read. Nicky still asks for “Yojojo bananas”. It’s a funny story for a kid about a “Pipling” who fails at not eating the bananas he is watching for his friend. I think all kids can relate to doing the wrong thing and having to say sorry and finding a way to fix it.
Second month: A lovely educational clock book which has the alphabet and counting as well. We use this one often. In fact we were reading it today. Nicky is very proud of himself being able to (almost) be able to sing the alphabet song using this book. Then we had a farm themed book with stickers with an awesome tractor puzzle Nicky loved so much he was up in the middle of the night fiddling with it. Sigh.
Third month: Two activity books. One was about the farm with lots of stickers and counting. If Nicky can count tractors that’s close enough to cars so he’s happy. I was also blown away by the tracing book and Nicky actually being able to trace the lines: that was a proud Mommy moment.
I wonder what we’ll get this month? I’m looking forward to it.
You can win a month’s subscription to this service!
Using the Rafflecopter entry below, the one thing you must do is leave a comment about the child you’ll use the winning subscription for: tell me their gender and age. You’ll obtain additional entries, however, for Facebook likes and tweets about this giveaway.
My baby is 4 months old, a little boy! He loves us reading to him
I have a 2 year old little girl
Matthew will be 5 next month. He loves any books to do with animals 🙂
My little girl has just turned 2. She loves story time!