For more than a year now, Nicholas has been getting more involved with chess. By that I mean, not just playing it, but participating in tournaments. Tournaments involve long weekends of parent waiting (me) and up to five games in one day (him) as he has been honing his skills. He participated in … [Read more...]
Our trip to the USA
Nicky and I were so blessed to have the opportunity to visit my sister in South Bend, Indiana, USA. I thought I'd document the trip in this blog for prosperity so I'd have a place to look back on the memories. Plane trip there We set off from PE/GQ all bright eyed and bushy tailed. The first … [Read more...]
A Magical Easter
Easter is a special time - not just a long weekend but a celebration that Jesus is risen. It's been a good long weekend for us. On Friday we did what we normally do on a Saturday. Trip to the mall with Spur and the Toy shop. We got a present for an upcoming birthday. Followed by the Friday … [Read more...]
2017 Roundup
I think it's important to record some of the end of year moments in this blog. This year has largely been a good year for us, apart from my father's death. It has been Nicky's last year at school with me and it's bittersweet for us - my little boy is growing up and will be going to big school next … [Read more...]
A very special Christmas 2016
We really enjoyed our holiday this year. It was the first time in four years that we have been down to the Eastern Cape as a family, and it was good to spend time with family and friends. Nicky had such a good time too, and we are so grateful to have had this time away, thanks to our housesitter, … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day
I wake up to hear his cries. I slip into the bed with him to calm him down. He's kicked the duvet off again and his feet are cold, bearing into my legs for warmth. I wonder again how it is possible that I have a living, breathing boy lying next to me. His little body is so small and yet so … [Read more...]
A Week Off
I've been very busy this past week, even though we have been at home. I've been trying to catch up on a lot of stuff, some more successfully than others. I've managed to catch up with my data capture job. I've done quite a bit of posting on SA Mom blogs and worked a bit on the #JoziMeetup. I … [Read more...]
Christmas fun in the pool and with cars
We have had a lovely Christmas. My parents have been visiting and it's been great to have them around. It's been really nice to have my mom washing dishes, both of them reading bedtime stories to Nicky and also having babysitters so we can go to movies and also get things done. I am so thankful for … [Read more...]
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you are having a relaxed weekend with your families. ** So I'm sure you're wondering how the diet's going... Well, some good, some bad... This week I made a bit of a mess up with my lunch. I added raw rice instead of cooked rice to my lunch (since it is such a … [Read more...]
Hunting For Trucks (Not Easter Eggs)
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you had a super weekend! On Friday we did not do much (apart from shopping and laundry) as DH had to work. On Saturday we went to the Rand Easter Show. We first went to a motor display where the cars did drifting and even went on their sides! Nicky stood on the … [Read more...]