Hello bleeps!
Well, this baby has made it to 12 weeks! I am so happy and ever so grateful.
Last week was extremely hectic being the last week of term. There was a lot to do and a lot of it happened at the last minute. I was stressing to find information for our celebration day on rugby (we always do some themed activities on the last day and I always do the educational segment / booklet). Last Tuesday we were checking stationary until about 6pm and then I still had to get to my cell group dinner and get a salad on the way. (Thanks, Woolworths!) We were an hour late! Then it was the report card rush to get them printed and all the correct stuff in the envelopes. Then when all the rush was over we had a wonderful lunch out on the Friday. So, all in all, a good term.
It seems like there will be some changes next year though. Instead of Grade One I will be teaching Grade Two. We have a fairly small school and at the moment: Grade 2 and 3 are combined. So now they will be splitting them up (which is a good idea, kids need lots of attention) but it also works well for when I am away next year on maternity leave and they can combine the classes briefly for that time. It won’t be so long anyway, as there is a month long holiday in August and I will probably be back in September.
This week, you probably won’t believe it, but I have been looking at crèche type places, trying to plan for next year. There is a stunning Montessori baby school place close to my home (I teach at a Montessori school but they only take kids from around 2). I can see there are about 5 adults minding the babies who are split into 3 groups. There is lots of organization, they have specific meal times, circle times, art and lots of cool stimulation. However: Very pricy. And the terms don’t coincide with mine. They do have holiday care but it looks like it works on demand and you pay extra, and they don’t quote you on that.
The other place is very close to my school, a lot cheaper. There is a jungle gym there and from what I understand she lets the kids play (unstructured). When I was there all the babies were sleeping (it’s just her and 11 babies). She was quite strong about that they don’t sleep all day, they do play. But she isn’t a big believer in stimulation. We will probably go for this option (so far) as it will be the most convenient. If I have to work late I can just quickly fetch baby and come back. Also she does do babysitting up until 10pm if necessary. Oh well I can provide the stimulation myself and the baby will get enough when it comes to my school anyway.
Today’s scan was just amazing. Also good to have B around to hold my hand and watch our baby moving around. PB is now measuring 56.3mm. I see he put there on the scan 12w1d although by my calculations we are exactly 12 weeks. He showed us how the baby is looking healthy because of its nasal bone. And NF is 1.1mm, whatever that is. He showed us the spine is looking good too. All these things show health and less chance of an abnormal baby. The little one was wiggling around and it really looks like she/ he is sucking his/ her thumb. By the way Dr R guesses it is a girl, but he says it is too soon to be sure.
I asked if there were any tests I should do at this point, but he seems to think not, based on how the baby is looking, which is good. He says the blood tests will often be a false impression, and then you have to have this invasive amnio. He wouldn’t go ahead and do it unless we for sure would terminate an abnormal pregnancy. So we decided to leave it, and also wait and see what the future holds.
I also asked about if I need to do another laparoscopy if I want to have another baby, and he said no, just come back and we’ll take it from there. He didn’t seem too phased by the idea that I would be 38/39 by this stage. He seemed to think I would still have a healthy baby. I have to tell you I was so sad to leave Medfem. Especially Hanlie. She is just amazing. They gave me this very cute cap. Our first baby clothes item.
I have made an appointment with Dr K at Sandton Mediclinic for January just before the 16week point. So wait for the next exciting installment when we have to discuss what kind of births we will be choosing!!
The whole thing is becoming more and more real, as we really have to plan for PB’s arrival.
What wonderful, wonderful news on your scan at twelve weeks. Congratulations!
Congrats on the 12 week mark. Amazing how it goes right! And start planning makes it so real, love your positive attitude throughout this.
Yay Heather <3
Congrats on 12wks and brilliant news on the scan. Wow, you already got some baby stuff 😀
On the next scan we shall know for sure if it's a girl hey?
yes, I’m hoping so. It will be a few days before the 16week mark, so we will see..
Thanks all you lovely ladies. 🙂
Congrats on reaching the 12 week mark and a fantastic scan!