Sometimes I feel like for every good thing in the world that happens on one side, something bad could be happening on the other.
While this incredible blessing of new life has opened up for us, other people have been dealing with some very scary problems.
The found cancer in my brother in law’s lip. He had to have a very horrible operation (called a Mohs procedure) to cut it all out. His mother came out to be with him, big panic attack for her as his sister died of cancer some years back. Today he went for plastic surgery. It is quite a horrible thing to go through, but it is treatable and my sister seems positive that things will work out.
And Guiliana. I am rather attached to her, having watched all her “Guilana and Bill” shows about her struggles with infertility. She was about to go forth into IVF 3 when she suddenly found out that she has breast cancer. This is a very scary thing and thank goodness that it was caught early and she did not have it during pregnancy. I do have a friend who was pregnant with cancer and it was truly awful. She landed up having to have chemotherapy while pregnant with her second child and you can just imagine how devastating it must have been. Fortunately she survived through it all and also did deliver the child safely.
Watching the video of Guiliana talking about her cancer on NBC I couldn’t help but be struck about how positive she was, despite the shaking the interviewer noticed.
In fact she said that this baby she was trying to conceive has actually saved her, in that she did pick up this problem early enough, and that there was a grand design here that she did not fall pregnant before.
And I think that’s the thing. We don’t see the big picture of God’s great plan.
I remember how angry and disappointed I was when I went to my first appointment at Medfem and found out that instead of doing IVF in August I would be doing an operation. A laparoscopy. To me it was as if my plans to have a baby were being ignored – but actually it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened. It cleared me out and got me ready for a big surprise.
Alina Frank recently wrote about this here – a parable about a farmer who had good and bad things happen to him. And people judged whether they were good or bad, but each event had good and bad consequences.
I think life is like that… whatever happens we just have to ride with it and see where it takes us…
I am so happy to be pregnant. But also scared that something could go wrong. But I will just take this journey bit by bit and handle everything that comes my way…
And in the meantime, will keep my bro-in-law and Guiliana in my prayers.
Congrats on your pregnancy and saying prayers for your brother in his battle against cancer.
Thanks, Kristin, and keeping your mom in mine as well.
I turned out to be a carrier for spinal muscular atrophy, and as we wait to find out whether DH is also, it makes me wonder if this is why God gave us this infertility.
Prayers from here also for your family. ICLW #2
I wouldn’t presume to know why God does things and I am so sorry you are faced with this diagnosis. Sending prayers right back to you and hope and pray that things work out one way or another.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. Your brother in-law and family are in my prayers. It certainly can be very difficult to see the big picture of what we are going through.
This is sooo true! I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason. Granted while in the throws of IF it SUCKED but now I can see it from different eyes.
I read on someone elses blog yesterday about Guiliana and I was devastated to hear this. Wishing your BIL the best.
ICLW #21- Donor Diva
It’s hard because there is so much sadness in the world, even for all the happiness. Definitely keeping your brother in my thoughts!
Thanks Dona Diva and Embracing the Rain! I think both of you are fine examples of turning bad stuff into good. Keeping blogging…
Thanks, SIF…
All the best for your BIL, cancer is a terrible fight to fight and it is just as hard on the family around that person.
Thanks, Lindi.