I never used to be a dog person. In fact I grew up with a cat. Leopold helped me through my single years and now Coffee and Milo are there for me in my childless ones.
Dogs really don’t care what you look like or any of the Material Things that seem to matter to humans.
They are interested in love. They simply radiate unconditional love. No matter what I do, Coffee will still wag her tail. And I do admit that I have stepped on her one too many times in the kitchen, only to hear a little “Yelp!” of pain. I am so sorry, Coffs! Even when I give Milo a spanky because he peed on the door (yet again!) he still licks my hands and runs around excitedly.
They are the best teachers of love and positive thinking I could wish for and being in their presence every day is the best kind of therapy.
So it wasn’t surprising when I stumbled across this post from Anisa Aven, who is doing a series on “Detachment” (kind of essential reading for me who is trying to Let Go). She writes about how great our inner resources are, but we don’t seem to want to treasure them for the blessings they can be. She shares this story about it, and the dog has the starring role:
The great Creator gathered all the animals and asked for their advice. He said, “I believe we should hide man’s treasures, until they are capable of using them more maturely. We should hide the gifts of inspiration, motivation, creativity, and confidence. But where do we hide them?”
The Eagle said, “Give them to me. I will take them to the highest mountain and hide them there.”
To this the Creator said, ”No. Man will one day conquer the highest mountain and find them there.”
The Salmon said, “Give them to me. I will take them to the deepest part of the Ocean and hide them there.”
To this the Creator said, “No. Man will one day find the deepest part of the Ocean and find them there.”
The Buffalo said, “Give them to me. I will take them to the magnificent plains and hide them deep within the Earth.”
To this the Creator said, ”No. Man will one day, dig deep and find them there.”
They were all confused and felt out of options.
Then, the Prairie Dog spoke up, ”Why don’t we put them somewhere they will never think to look? Put the gifts inside them.”
To this the Creator said, ”Yes, indeed. They will never think to look inside themselves.”
And, this is why our greatest gifts are buried deep within ourselves awaiting to be discovered. All we have to do is become aware of the fact that they exist and seek them out.
And Coffee and Milo quite agree. Woof woof.
Just to attach an extra here: even though we have these amazing inner resources, there are also a lot of outer resources (uh hem, fertility clinics, acupuncturists, homeopaths, doctors) who are a treasure in themselves. That’s of course if they are listening to their inner wisdom while they are treating you.
I think the key in this journey is to have a balance between what your gut is saying, as well as arming yourself with information. And take what you need from all that information. Knowledge is power, but it can also be overwhelming. So do what you can with what you have and trust your instincts.
I’d like to add an EFT script to this theme:
“Even though I don’t quite trust my inner voice, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I don’t want to look within to find my answers, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though it’s much easier to look to some other person for answers, I deeply and completely love myself and my need to do this, and not to trust myself”
Top of the head: I don’t trust myself
Top of eyebrow: I’d rather listen to others
Side of eye: It’s easier
Under eye: I just never bothered to look within
Under nose: My own opinion doesn’t matter
Chin: I’ve pushed myself down for so long
Collarbone: I don’t even know who I am anymore
Under arm: I don’t even know how to listen to my inner voice
Under breast: Because I’ve been going on autopilot for so long
Positive Choice:
“Even though I haven’t been listening to my inner voice, I’m choosing to quiet myself to listen. Even though I don’t even knowwhere to begin, I’m choosing to believe that there could be something useful inside of me. Even though this is hard for me, I’m choosing to allow myself to believe that there is power inside of me.”
Top of head: “I’m going to listen to that inner voice”
Top of eyebrow: “I’m going to trust my gut.”
Side of eye: ”I’m also going to trust my discernment.”
Under eye: “Because I need them too, and I value their experience.”
Under nose: “But they don’t have the final say.”
Chin: “We do.”
Collarbone: “I know that there is great power inside of me”
Under arm: “And I’m choosing to allow it to come forth and enrich my life.”
Dogs just know, don’t they. Lovely picture of the two of you =)
Beautiful post! I would love to learn more about EFT. I could really use some techniques to retrain my brain!