Dearest Husband and I have been married for eleven years now!
It really does seem like a lifetime and I can hardly remember not being married. B is my partner for life and has been through all my ups and downs and still accepts me (and knows me best). Our marriage has had its share of good times (Nicky coming along would be top of my list) and bad (five years of infertility and bad patches). But we have come through it all.
My father in law has been visiting this week (and fixing lots of stuff for us) so we took the opportunity to go to movies. We went to see the latest Hunger Games film. This is not for the faint of heart, but a real study in how a dictatorship is taken down. Something that I also noticed in this film was how powerful Katniss became when she was genuinely passionate about something, as opposed to just saying what was scripted for her. She had the outrage – it just needed to be directed in a constructive way. (If you haven’t yet read my feedback on the survey I did on PR and Brands you’ll see this same theme of how brands want sponsored posts not to read like sponsored posts and value authenticity.) I think there’s a lot we can learn from her.
Nicky has been sick. On Friday night he was crying (the tired cry) so we went to bed early around 18:30. But then we had an hour and a half battle to go to sleep. His poor nose was so stuffy and I had to use the spray to unblock it again. I hate doing that. Cannot wait until he can blow his own nose and I no longer have to do this torture. He hates it.
So then he fell asleep at 8 but only slept for half an hour. And then it was off and on the whole night. He had a temperature of 39.3 degrees. Poor little dude.
The next day he was a bit grumpy and clingy but off we went to the Wimpy for our anniversary meal. He eventually lightened up and to my surprise appeared quite hungry and ate a good chunk of his breakfast.
When we got home, of course he was tired and went to sleep right away. With a babysitter there we took the chance to go to movies (see above) but unfortunately he did not sleep for long.
When I got home the first thing he did was puke all over me.
Now that may appear a gross thing to deal with but the truth was I was so happy to see him again I really didn’t mind. We cleaned ourselves off and he went back to sleep again.
Last night was another bad night. His temp was around 38 degrees. At one point I was drifting off when I felt this hot little body move over me, off the bed and next thing I know he is standing in front of the fridge for a cold drink! After that I kept a bottle of water by the bed and kept dosing him with Calpol. I seriously considered going for a midnight swim to cool him down (this was about 2am in the morning) but eventually I remembered we have a mobile air con unit in the study. Once I had located the plug, pulled it out and moved it, we had a stream of cool air and that helped the sleeping process.
Nicky slept in till about 8 this morning and seemed to still be a bit teary and clingy but his temperature has gone down. He decided to only have a short nap again this afternoon. I need prayer to have patience and not lose my temper with him especially when we are both tired.
If you’re wondering how Milo is doing he is healing nicely. We have been to the vet on Monday and are going again tomorrow. I really hope we can get that cone removed soon because he is driving me batty bashing around and shaking and generally making a noise when I’m trying to get Nicky to sleep! He has a new nickname: “Bash Crash”!
Do you notice things look a bit different on this blog? I have finally activated a theme I got from Blogelina a while ago, just never had a chance to fiddle with. I am still working on it though (as you can see by the header pic not being the right size yet).
If I don’t post again before Christmas I hope you have a peaceful time with your family and a fabulous, fantastic new year!
Happy anniversary! How little man is feeling much better!
Thanks Shannon! He is on the mend.
Happy anniversary. Just a few days after ours!!!
How’s Nicky? Hope better?
He was still crying a lot this evening but I think it is more from lack of sleep. I hope he has a good night’s sleep – that will really help!
Happy anniversary! Having a sick child is never easy; glad to read that he is feeling a bit better!
Happy anniversary (albeit a bit late).
Hope Nicky is feeling better.
Happy anniversary! Hope Nicky is better by now!
Enjoy the festive season!
I’m really late but Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more successful years! And lots more babies 😉 Hehehe!
Thanks, that’s funny 🙂
Happy Anniversary , and Merry Christmas to u and ur family
Happy anniversary! 🙂