Reaching 80 years is certainly cause for celebration so when Brett’s father had his big day all the family gathered around to celebrate.
Nicky has had such a good time this weekend playing with his cousins, I hardly saw him.
On Saturday we went on a trip to look at a lovely house and Nicky had fun meeting some horses, running around and getting up on the back of a truck.

Then I left him there with his cousins to go home to Brett’s sister Heather and daughter Emma who had just come out of hospital. It has been really good to spend time with these special people (and have an afternoon nap without Nicky jumping on me!). Emma has been in my prayers through all this hospital time and it’s been good to connect in person although we have been texting a lot these days too.
The birthday party was a lovely get together with loads of food (which Brett would have loved). I don’t think I really prepared myself for this trip: I thought it would be a lot less stressful than PE but little reminders of him hit me at times, like the Blue Bulls playing rugby and the bagpipes playing, reminding me of my wedding day.
But even though there were those difficult moments there were also a lot of good ones. Grandpa and Nicky had a lot of fun lighting candles and I couldn’t help but see the symbolism of how the light was passing between generations and how proud Brett would be to see Nicky there with his dad.

We took loads of pictures and Nicky photo bombed a lot of them but nobody minded. This little guy is bringing joy to all of us even though there was definitely a missing person at this event.

I also had a chance to catch up with an old friend who happened to be in East London that weekend and that was also good.
I’m tremendously grateful for this family and the gift that Brett has given me just knowing them.

Making memories for him. Nicky looks like he was having such fun. You are so strong.
Hope Emma is doing better.