“5th December will be the day in history that someone stole cable in our neighborhood and damaged the powerstation and all electrical appliances. Still sitting in the dark 30 hours later. For all I know someone important could have died. Don’t think much is left working at home … joys of Eskom. At least Heather Step and Nicky are OK.”
This was my Dearest Husband’s status update last week.
I think experiences like this tend to put things in perspective. In an instant you have that sinking feeling. That horrible feeling that everything is gone. It is eventually replaced with a feeling of resignation. That your nearest and dearest are still here, and that is what is important. People are more important than things.
But let me start at the beginning.
There I was merrily cooking Thursday’s supper in the morning. As I was doing this I heard this noise coming from the study. It was the UPS making a noise. This normally happens when the power trips and this device is a back up power for the computers. In any case, I couldn’t figure it out. How come the washing machine was still going when the power had tripped? I later realised the UPS was trying to protect the computers as the power was surging.
After I had finished cooking I decided to do a proper investigation. I phoned DH. I took out all the plugs in the house and started a process of elimination. I really thought something was tripping the power. (By this stage the power was tripping)
I was stumped. I didn’t know what the problem was.
Eventually I gave up and told the maid to turn the washing machine back on. I went to the study to turn the computers back on and there was a “crack” noise. I felt myself turning very pale. Not the computers! I have gone and blown the computers! That’s also when the maid told me she had heard an explosion. And on investigation, the washing machine did not work. I also heard a “pop” from the front plug where the gate motor is plugged in. Oh well, there goes our gate, I thought.
After this I was so spooked I took out all the plugs and turned everything off. I just did not want to risk anything else. I had to go out for my phoning job work function, so off I went and left Nicky with the maid.
That evening we bravely turned the lounge plug on and heard another “pop”. That’s when we got the message, lit the candles and went to bed.
Friday there was power but I only had the lights on. (A lot of lights were damaged in this process, but at least this was less expensive than an appliance). Later that day there was no power but at least I had started fixing things by getting the gate guy in. He took away the blown motor and said he would be back on Monday when things had settled down.
Another night by candle light. It’s not romantic people. I hate to say it, but it’s boring. We missed watching The Bachelor!
On Saturday we went to the Wimpy for breakfast and to charge our phones.
Later that day the power came back. I phoned Johannesburg Connect and eventually got the all clear to plug things back in. And the inventory began.
It turned out that things were not that bad after all. The two big things were the washing machine and the gate. By some miracle a surge plug extension had protected the computers.
It really makes me appreciate what I have and have such a sense of relief that the computers and the fridge worked!
In the midst of our power problems, of course, South Africa was mourning the loss of Nelson Mandela. Another light has gone out.
I would like to quote a quote that he quoted at his Inaugural address that really meant a lot to me.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Nelson Mandela believed in leading not only from the front but also from behind: inspiring others to become leaders too. We remember him not just for having forgiveness after being locked up for 27 years, but also because how he made people feel: good about themselves.
Well that’s enough heavy thoughts for today.
I want to end off with two things:
1) If you want to build your list of subscribers, take part in the Self Improvement Gifts Giveaway: I’ve just found out that this annual self help list building launch which attracted a record 44,949 members last year, has been totally restructured for even higher conversions, astronomical leaderboard solo mailings (350K!), and get this…Over $10,000 in Sales Contests, Prizes and Incentives! GO here.
2) It’s video time! Watch Nicky taking some steps. He is getting better every day.
I can just imagine the feeling of resignation you mention, when you realize you have no power (ha!) over the situation.
I love that you said this: “Another light has gone out.”
Glad your computers are ok!
Very funny. I mean, very punny, lol!
Wow that must have been freaky! Thank goodness the computers were safe! I would freak if my computers blew! They are my lifeline!
Mine too.
It is spooky when you cannot get the power. Great nothing happen with the computer. Nick looks much stronger.
Nicky is so cute!!! I love how he looks at you, it is like he is questioning whether he can really do it or not. 🙂 What did he think about the power being out?
He was sitting in the play station driving chair pretending to drive when I was running around with the plugs. This was just next to the switchboard so he could see me every time I turned the power on and off. He is actually a happy kid and enjoyed his candle lit bath!
That had to be the freakiest thing! Wowsers! Cable is not worth all that trouble.
I am glad you are okay. Somehow I missed all this time that you are in South Africa. My sister has been there for almost 8 years (minus trips back to see us). They are missionaries up by Zimbabwe, but they go to Johannesburg a couple times a year maybe and have many friends there. She also blogs and has written about Nelson Mandela as well. Here is her blog: http://itavitaafrican.wordpress.com/
Wow Tammy thanks for telling me, I will check that blog out!
Wow I didn’t know that someone stealing cable could make the power go out like that!
Power outages are not fun but I’m so glad your computers are safe – I love that quote too!!
Wow, what an ordeal! So glad the computers were okay. And what a beautiful way to mention Nelson Mandela. That quote was amazing. I had never heard that.
I totally freak out now when the power goes out, after that Revolution show where all the power went out everywhere. Terrifies me. Amazing how for granted we take that though… So glad your computers were OK!
I am a tad terrified of living in a time without electricity…so yikes! Glad it is all well now. From ICLW #19