So I went back to the dietician today. Before I continue, I need to reiterate a disclaimer that I’ve given before. I am no medical expert and these results are for an individual (me) and are not going to fit a “one size fits all” mentality. This is my story. If you would like to get your own individualised plan, consult your own professional.
Last night I woke up at 2am. This is because Nicky woke up at that time the previous night. So did I drift sweetly back to sleep? Not a chance. I sat there wondering when he would wake up, which turned to be 4:30am. As soon as I was with him, my body calmed down and I went back to sleep. It’s fairly amazing that Nicky slept through the night so well. I just need to be able to sleep in my own bed peacefully. My little boy is growing up and I need to keep up!
Well, at the dietician my blood results were in. A mixed bag of good and bad stuff.
1. The good news is my thyroid is well controlled and my T3 is 4.5 (should be 3.5 to 5.4)
2. Other good news is my cholesterol is not that bad. I mean, it’s still bad at 5.7, (should be 2.8 to 4.9) but considering all the cream and fat I’ve been putting in my system, it could be a lot worse.
3. Bad news is my Vitamin D is low (39), although within the normal range (30-100), it needs to be at optimal levels. So I will need a prescription for that. I have emailed Dr R and let’s see what he says.
4. The other bad news is I that my adrenals are exhausted. But apparently this can be fixed too with a supplement which I have now got – “Energising Adaptogens” from Solar. Apparently if that is not enough you can also use “Burnout” but she doesn’t advise that as a first point of call. We are going to do a bit of trial and error with this, starting with 2 tablets in the morning, and if that doesn’t keep me up and happening the whole day we will add two more in the afternoon.
I asked her if it has anything to do with lack of sleep and she said no, it’s more than that.
It’s kind of ironic that a few years ago I put together this download on adrenal glands – maybe I should listen to my own download…
So I better go and study my meal plan and figure it all out. Looks like I will be eating throughout the day with an early snack (1 portion carb), breakfast (1 protein, 2 carb, 1 fat, fruit and veg), mid morning snack ( 2 protein, 2 carb, 1 fat, fruit and veg), lunch (same as mid morning snack), afternoon snack (1 protein, 1 carb, fruit and veg) and dinner (4 protein, 2 fat and fruit and veg). See, still no carbs for supper but they are now throughout the day. Well… I’ll let you know how it all goes.
Even though I sent out a load shedding warning with my data capture job I have just come back from sitting in two hours of traffic. Oh and Nicky didn’t nap this afternoon so he slept through the whole thing.
Hope you feel better soon!
I hope this gives you the answers and that you feel way way better soon
While it’s not all good news, at least knowing what’s up will help you deal with it effectively. 🙂 Here’s to happiness and health!