Nicola Smuts Allsop has created an app that will help you pinpoint your best times for conception. The app is something simple that can be downloaded and used in the privacy of your home, using your and your partner’s health information. This app will therefore not only be a huge help to couples trying to have a child, but also for health professionals when choosing the best time to conceive for their patients.
Nicola works closely with medical IVF specialist doctors in Harley St London, and some here in SA too (JHB and CT), to identify very specific set dates for conception and/or an IVF appointment (thereby potentially saving lots of money for couples!).
I found Nicola’s own story to be quite inspirational. After studying, she found that she was able to help predict people’s pregnancies through her methods and through word of mouth, her expertise spread.
Nicola herself had no difficulty conceiving two children within her first marriage, but wanted to try for a third child within her second, and that was when she started having problems. She went through AI and IVF in her attempts to conceive.
Here’s the interesting part: I asked her what happened next, and she said she did not have that third child. But it gave her a better understanding of where her clients were coming from, and the intricacies of information involved in fertility.
I asked her how she felt about that and she said “Relieved”. It has given her the opportunity to study further and complete her MA and start a PhD. I chatted to her about my situation and how hard is has been to give up that second child and she told me what helped her was to go back on the pill. So that every month that period was no longer a disappointment and did not affect her so badly. (I don’t think I have this because I’m not expecting to get pregnant, but nevertheless it was good to chat to someone who has been through a similar situation and come out the other side).
Whether fertility astrology is completely scientific or also has a spiritual side, was something I was keen to investigate as well. She explained to me how they are all very much linked. For instance if someone is born with a certain planet (Saturn) with a meaning of “not enough” this has a direct bearing on all areas. So psychologically they may feel they don’t have enough time or money, be reserved or have strong boundaries, on the physical side it might translate into having a low ovarian reserve and a thin lining. These are things that could then be investigated. While it may all be very mathematically worked out on the app, the symptoms your body gives are the distress signals of your soul.
Even if fertility astrology is also perceived, or works as a placebo, there are studies that show that placebos can outperform medical drugs and create a healing response. So even if you are a sceptic, the action of belief can create a healing response.
I was wondering how the app came into being and she explained how she had met a Russian coder a long time ago and they had chatted about the concept but he was very busy and could not help her at that time. Then she sat next to him at a university event in England and they decided to make it work. It has been important to her that he is also an astrologer and understands her method (Medieval and Persian) as apparently there are a lot of different methods out there. Nicola chooses to keep it simple.
The app is available on Apple and Android.
Here is a video about the app:
And here’s blogger Tertia sharing how she works with Nicola to pinpoint the best times.
Thanks for the information