Infertility can make a person feel profoundly weak and powerless in the face of repeated failures, the passing years and a loss of hope for the child you so long for. Some of the events that can feel like a shot to the gut include your period arriving again, or the announcement of a pregnancy as you plod on with your seemly endless journey. It might seem strange to think that misfortune can bring power to your life, but I have found that in every struggle lies the seed of a steely determination to succeed in the face of devastation, and an opportunity to dig deep into the strengths you did not even know that you had.
So how do we reclaim our power from the relentless cruelty of failed cycles?
Read more at my guest post at Motherhood Later, the community, blog and newsletter for those who became moms at age 35+:
Hi Heather!
Thanks for commenting. Wowzers… I can only begin to imagine how painful infertility is.
Great post, Heather! Good luck for the next round!
So well said.
Beautifully shared and a powerful message for all moms going through same. Your tips on the Guest post were on point; especially the need for humor and managing our emotions. Cute little Nicky is the baby you conceived after all your struggles, what a joyful blessing he is!
Elizabeth from ICWL
Beautiful post. I’ve dealt with infertility and it is a very painful process to go through.