I’ve written my full story up about my fertility journey. I’ve entered it in a health advocate competition for Circle Bloom. The main theme seems to be all those doctors I have been through! But also a profound sense of gratitude for where I am now.
There are a lot of other interesting people who have also written up their stories too. And they are worth reading.
One of the first infertility bloggers that I started following after the first fertility telesummit was Busted Kate. She writes a blog called Busted Plumbing. You can read her story here.
Then there’s someone else who talks about celiac disease. (That’s when you shouldn’t eat gluten). Then there’s someone else who had to go through cancer. I think it might be worth following CircleBloom on facebook just to see who else shares their story.
They are so touching because they are real and really happened.
In any case, dear blog readers, I need a huge favour from you.
Please go to http://www.circlebloom.com/heathers-advocate-for-health-contest-blog-story/ and leave a comment!
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