Easter is a special time – not just a long weekend but a celebration that Jesus is risen. It’s been a good long weekend for us.
On Friday we did what we normally do on a Saturday. Trip to the mall with Spur and the Toy shop. We got a present for an upcoming birthday. Followed by the Friday grocery shopping trip.
Nicky and I went to a magic show on Saturday. We were invited by Nicky’s swimming friend Boris, whose mom also does Aqua Zumba at the same swimming school with the lady whose husband was the magician.
The magician was Vicus Cruywagen and the show was hilarious. Nicky laughed like a drain the whole way through. He had a really funny assistant (Twinkle) (his wife) who was just brilliant. A few on going jokes were so funny, like watering a drooping flower all the way through, asking for fairy juice to feed dinosaurs/ gnomes/ dwarfs backstage while slurping it herself. She even sang two songs with loads of expression.
During the magic tricks she tries to confuse things but it just makes it more side splitting. See how she keeps taking the bottles out of the cones and looks confused as more keep appearing. (Excuse the sideways video)
At the end they made an Easter Bunny appear and he handed out chocolates afterwhich Nicky and Boris could play a bit on the jungle gym outside. Just like they do after swimming.
On Sunday we went to church and celebrated the reason for the holiday. I’m really grateful for what Jesus did for us. A magic show is just an illusion. But the tomb was really empty that day and that is really magical to me.
I especially appreciate Nicky’s art work that day of the stone that rolled away.
Also check out the pictures he did at school. The cross was constructed out of salt and then they painted around it.
And yes we did eat a lot of chocolate. Plus we played with some soapy bunnies from Matismela. Nicky had the soap bunny delivering Easter Eggs all over the world. In fact Lion and Zebra (the bath toys) had to help him get to the airport on time.
Long weekends and public holidays can also have their low points and on Monday morning we had a tough time deciding on our breakfast venue. Which in the end landed up being at home. Good thing too as we later heard there was a robbery at Cresta. I also landed up playing frisbee and kicking balls with Nicky on Sunday for three hours and playing board game on Monday for about an hour too. Public holidays can be hard work on parents too!
That Monday afternoon Nicky had fun at Boris’ party at Tres Jolie restaurant. This was an awesome venue with animals, a funfair ride and jumping castles. Nicky didn’t want to feed the horses but he did want to feed the hens.
A fun end to a magical weekend.
A lovely special weekend. My littlelee asked if we could get chickens…I made the mistake of telling him we had chickens as pets when I was growing up.