Those of you who have been reading my blog for some time will know that housework is not really a priority for me. I’m a bit of a messy person. This is why I have a maid. Yet, especially with the advent of the dirty nappy, even I have reached my limit for stench. Something has to give. So, in the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, here is my action plan to get our home “smelling like a rose”!
1) Empty dustbins regularly. I used to do this more often. Now that Nicky is on the move and the dog likes to poke his head in the kitchen dustbin, I decided to get a taller, bigger one. This makes it more child and dog proof, but the downside is, that being bigger, there is less motivation to empty it daily. At least there is a good lid to keep the smell in, but still… I need to empty it more often than twice a week which is what is happening at the moment. (Perhaps a smaller packet? Hmmm…)
The dirty nappies I am quite good about. I normally put them out as soon as Nicky does a poop, which would be about once a day. I do get lazy if it is in the evening. I have been known just to put the dustbin by the door to remind myself to do it first thing in the morning. By the way, how do you put out a dustbin with a toddler, who, at 18 months is at the height of separation anxiety? My clever plan is to go out with him, but since he walks so slowly I manage to get there and back before he has taken many steps, but at least he can see me!
2) Open windows & doors and use fans & air conditioners. Getting the air circulating is a great idea, not only to cool down in this hot weather, but also to have a fresh breeze going. Ceiling fans are great for this. Opening windows works really well for getting rid of that burning smell (which happens way too often with me in the kitchen). In fact, I pretty much keep the kitchen door open to get the air flowing.
3) Wash the dogs. I still need to do this. Quite frankly, they stink. Their cushions need a wash too. Milo used to be really bad when he jumped from the pool into the mud but since we have the fence up he can’t get there and has to rub himself in the grass instead. We keep him out until he dries off. Nevertheless, it is time for a doggy bath.
4) Flower power. Nothing is stopping you from using actual roses if you want to have your house spelling like a rose! DH got me some lovely red and yellow roses for our ten year anniversary on the 20th, and they lasted well after Christmas. If you get them from Woolies they give you a liquid you can add which helps make them last. You also need to keep changing (or adding to the water). You can also use flowers from your garden. House plants (if you are disciplined enough to keep them alive and watered) are also a good idea because they can help filter out allergens and air pollutants.
5) Get an air freshener. To be honest, No 1-4 are too much like hard work, and the air freshener is the lazy, easy solution for me.
What worked really well for us was placing an Airwick Freshmatic Automatic Spray in the passageway right opposite the toilet. It goes off at frequencies you choose (9, 18 or 36 minutes, we chose 36). This was awesome especially when we had guests. You can press the green button when you want an extra spurt.
The only thing I’ve changed is the height, as previously it was at eye level, and a bit disconcerting if you get sprayed right in the eye at the wrong moment!
Another Air Wick product which is really beautiful is the Air Wick MultiColour Candle, a scented candle. Not only does it give off a lovely aroma, it changes colour, which creates a romantic ambiance.
Different colours were revealed as the candle burned i.e. purples, oranges, purples and lighter and darker versions of red, blue and green. In fact, the way it changes is probably the most gorgeous thing about it. So, bring some romance (and heavenly smells) back into your life with this stunning candle. And be lazy like me.
This post was underwritten by Air Wick. They have your favourite fragrances.
Here is my video of how the candle changes colour:
The candle looks really pretty, I didn’t know Airwick had started making them.
Separation anxiety can be tough. 🙁 Lately my three yr old has been having some issues, so when I have to leave him I always stick around a couple of minutes to make sure he gets calmed down and is okay. Otherwise my momma heart is anxious for him the whole time I am away.
Congrats on the sponsored post! 🙂
So glad you care about your little one missing you!
Inbetween the dogs and the dirty diapers, you have a challenge! But your plan sounds great!
Another thing you can use is essential oils. They are amazing. I started using them a year ago and love that they help in many more ways than smelling good 🙂
Thanks for the tip!
I love airwick! Especially the auto sprayers! When we used to have cats, the litter boxes smelled so bad and we would use one of those all the time! It helped so much!
Yip, pets really tend to make a stink, don’t they!?
Our house smells like teenage feet. I don’t normally like to use a lot of scented things but I have had a candle on a candle heater. It makes the house feel cozier when there’s a good scent in the air.
Yes, I like the candle idea too.