So.. I’ve been a bit quite on the blog, but I wanted to take note of this monumental occasion of moving. Apparently moving is a pretty stressful life event – according to one study, it tops divorce or break up. And let’s just add in death of a spouse into the mix, together with packing up the memories of a marriage, well it hasn’t been fun times.
I will say though, that I am glad I made this decision. Driving down, I felt it was the right direction for me. Leaving that big house that was so big to manage – well, it’s also a relief. And downsizing, getting rid of stuff – it all has its advantages. You get to organise your home all over again and keep the things you really need.
Here’s an account of what’s been going on with me lately:
Selling the house.

After I decided to sell the house things moved pretty quickly. The estate agents sent a photographer around and that was motivation as well to get rid of stuff and tidy up.
We had a show day and about two weeks later they came back to me with five offers. It was really a tough one. I liked this one widow who looked at the house. But in the end I chose a cash offer. I had met the lady who was looking on behalf of herself and her husband, who decided to buy without seeing the house. Suffice to say it has been a character building journey with this guy and I cannot wait for transfer to go through. It has also been a lesson: don’t make decisions based on money.
Packing everything up to a deadline

While I have been decluttering all year and systematically going through the house area by area, getting rid of things, I basically packed the bulk of things in a week. I was assisted by some amazing friends from church who helped me pack the books and china. They also went out and got me more boxes. I can honestly say I am so blessed to have these special people in my life and very grateful for this very valuable help.
All the goodbyes
I know I will keep in touch with some very amazing people that I have met through church, blogging and the neighbourhood. Friends who thoughtfully gave me home store vouchers, who brought food on moving day, and were just there for me. The estate agent is a star. My next door neighbour – I have no words for all she has done and continues to do for me as we still sort out things to do with this house. It’s like God has put special angels in my life to help me.

Driving down with a dog

Dear old Coff – dog. I was in two minds whether to bring her at all. She was very old, with problems with her back legs which meant she often fell and was unable to get up without assistance. I knew we were moving to a place with stairs. And that would be tough. But I wasn’t ready to let her go.
Her happy spirit was something special on this trip. It wasn’t as bad as what I thought. We managed to get her out and fed and watered at the various stops. She loved the spot in Bloem (Die Rusplek) and it had a special stoep for her when we went out. I’m glad she came with because it was like she was part of our family coming with – making me feel less alone I guess.
Of course Nicky was not impressed and multiple times I heard “Coff -dog stay on your side!” “Coff dog stop panting in my face!” or just an exasperated “Coffee!!” But she eventually would settle down and sleep while he watched videos.
When we arrived at the new place and after a few days, it became clear though that this was not going to work for her. She was shaking so much in fear with the other dogs and would only go outside with us. Everytime we went out we had to lock her in. Most heart breaking, because she used to sleep on my bed at night, was to hear her throwing herself at the stairs at night but being unable to mount them to join us upstairs. And then she was also leaving all her excrement all over the show as well. So yes, it was time for her to join Milo and Brett and I know that they had a very special welcome for this very faithful and loving dog.
Finding love

There’s been something else going on in my life that has been making me especially happy these days. I’ve been chatting to this very special guy for more than two months and now we are continuing the journey. He has been an incredible help moving all the furniture around and generally helping me getting through all the ups and downs of moving and I know he will make me a better parent as well. I’ve learnt this year that being alone is very bad for me and we accept each other for who we are, through everything we’ve been through and the journey that lies ahead. He’s my very special blessing.
Connecting with family
I’ve had incredible friends in Joburg but it’s just really good to be close to family. It’s great to have the babysitters so close and that wise input into Nicky’s life will be invaluable as well.

Nicky and I went up to East London for a few days to spend time with some of Brett’s family there and he had a ball. It’s also more achievable now to see them more often as it is just three hours drive away.
Connecting to the internet
Who knew this would be such an issue. But with everyone on holiday, it’s been pretty difficult to get my connection sorted. It has been one story after another. First we were told the fibre line was still with the previous ISP. Phone calls proved it wasn’t. It was only this week, with Telkom/Openserve back that we found out that if a line is inactive for more than 10 days it ceases to exist and you have to install it all over again. So we finally got connected but the speed sucked! So we had to wait for that to be sorted too. The line is also extended downstairs so that I can teach online there while Nicky plays upstairs with my mom. He is pretty happy with the set up and to see the Hot Wheels which I had packed away for so long and is building all sorts of tracks for his cars. He is also taking “Elfie” on slides down the stairs.
He is also looking super cute in his new uniform and all ready for school, which he is excited about.
Nicky is doing well, he still has fears of losing me and can be clingy, but he is enjoying the new place and new faces and pushing the boundaries as kids do. But I have help now with him.
Here are some pics of my new place:

How was your festive season?
Hi Heather Thanks for the update. It’s great to hear that it’s going well! Best wishes that this year will be great!
I’m very happy everything is going well and I trust it will continue. 🙂