Hi folks
In much the same way that South Africa has been preparing for the world cup, little old me has been preparing for my second IUI cycle.
Six months ago I started dieting. I cut out caffeine and sugar. Those were the two I stuck to rigidly. I also cut out gluton and diary where I could. I have landed up losing about 10 kg this year. Not intentionally! I don’t want to waste away..
I also went to a homeopath. He identified that the centre of my blood cells were a bit white and put me on a whole lot of vitamins. So he did see that there was anemia, but actually he didn’t help much. I stopped taking his meds after about 3 months to try something else.
A friend of mine had given me a card for acupuncture. So off I went. Yes, it cost a bomb, especially when I was going every second week for the past three months. But I have to say that I started feeling stronger and more balanced.
Along with that, I have also been using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to deal with the emotions and anxiety that have come up. You can read more about it on my site http://healwithheather.com. I’ve also put together a survival guide to surviving infertility here: https://onestepatatime.co.za/subscribe/
In any case, my holidays finally started (I’m a teacher) and with that, off I went to start this IUI cycle. Last Monday I got two injections. Went for a scan on Wednesday. Saw a nice follicle but uterine lining was still thin. Went back for another scan on Friday. Saw the follicle still there. But it wasn’t ready so he gave me more of the injection (menopure). Then he said come back on Monday, hopefully you will be ready.
Well today is Monday and off I went. Nope, those follicles are still not ready. I was really feeling frustrated. Oh well, I guess it is just a long cycle. My previous two ones were really short. I kind of freaked out. The one was 21 days and then the next was only 13 days. Can you believe it? So, maybe it is a good thing this one is long.
Anyway, I’m going back on Thursday. If all my plumbing is ready we will do the procedure on Friday and Saturday. But I’m getting used to my body just doing what it needs to do. So I will just wait and see.
I got this email today from Abraham-Hicks and it was really what I needed to hear:
“Look for things that you appreciate where you are. It will put you in a place of perfect allowing, even when you are not yet manifesting all that you want. There are many people right now experiencing the dream that is coming for me, who were at one time standing right where I’m standing.
I’m right on track. There is nothing amiss here. Everything is unfolding perfectly. I am perfect where I am and gravitating to something that will satisfy me even more. That’s the attitude that lets it expand.
Well, I know it’s easier said than done. But for today, just imagining my follicles being at the perfect place that they need to be for me is doing just fine. 🙂
Welcome! First, good luck to you with this cycle. Second, I love that quote. It’s so on target. Reminds me of something in a Sheryl Crowe song about wanting what you have over having what you have. Another way of saying that you need to appreciate what is in your life.
Keep us updated on how your cycle goes!
Thanks Nancy – yip gratittude and appreciation are so important.
(I love my dogs…)
FYI, Cindy Bailey from the Fertile Kitchen will be writing a column here on our site. She’s awesome with fertility helpful recipes and cooking.
Possibly the most influential post that I have read all day???