These are strange times that we are living in. A virus has spread itself around the world and like many other countries, South Africans are called to stay at home so that it does not spread. While hospitals around the world battle the virus, and we all try and keep our distance, myself and Nicky are here in our little bubble at home.
Nicky is a very busy little boy and has been making all sorts of things.
- Hot wheels track down the stairs. Which ends in a dart board. For the cars to hit a bull’s eye of course.

- Pillow houses. In my bed and his bed. In his bed he made a room for all the fluffy toys. He insisted on sleeping in that “room” he made, with minimal blankets as all the blankets have been used up as decorations everywhere. Then he put hot wheels tracks from the bed to the floor here too.
- Throwing fluffy toys in a laundry basket. This is fun for him but not so much fun when the toy hits a cooldrink or a mop.
- Riding his bike around the house with me running after him for exercise.
- Hitting balls everywhere including the green pool and I had to get it out.
- Making five different kinds of paper aeroplanes. The best one has a detachable tail and we call him “sonic”. These planes land in the tree as well and we have to get them out with a rake.
Here is the orginal video of how to do the aeroplanes:
Here are some pics of Nicky’s aeroplanes and him flying sonic:

I have been continuing my work only in the afternoons and Nicky has some school work he has to complete in a little book I have made for him, afterwhich he can watch TV. So as you can imagine he is overdosing on TV. I am also so sick of Nick Junior and “no job is too big, no pup is too small”. They are cute pups though. It is better than some of the stuff he was watching on YouTube.
I am really enjoying homeschooling him. I have decided to work on his reading and some of the curriculum I did for my first school I taught at. So we are busy with the Fairy E now. He is matching pictures to words and building words with fridge magnets.

I am so super proud of him as he now wants to read at night when we do story time and has managed (with a little help from me) with “Go Dog Go” and “Hop on Pop”.
The other area I see a lot of growth in is independence. He is so good about the afternoons; he keeps busy and comes down and helps himself to food and goes back up. He even throws a fluffy toy at me if he thinks I need it in the lesson.
I miss seeing my mom every day but we keep in touch. I’m also only going to the shops at 2 week intervals. I’ve made Ursula’s mask and I have a full on wipe down of everything I bought when I get back. (I used one of Brett’s old T shirts. Nice thought to think of him protecting me still in some way…)

The other thing I continue to work on are my interview videos and my background. I dug out my green screen which has been in a box for months and have been testing backgrounds on zoom. (Awesome editing below from Mark from Snapping Studio) I also have been making my kid’s background more fun. I can now switch between different backgrounds depending on who I am teaching.

Happy Easter everyone! We had fun dying eggs and looking for Easter eggs. While we do these simple things, many front line workers are in the thick of it, and we lift up prayers for them.

How are you holding up?
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