This very special boy of mine turned eight! I am so super proud of him. He has completely adapted to doing his school work at home and accepted that it wouldn’t be a normal sort of birthday, without a big party. But we did have a very special day.
Nicky was very specific about what he wanted on his birthday, though. He wanted us to decorate the house. So I got some streamers and we went a bit crazy downstairs with all the colours.

I also got him some hot wheels tracks for his birthday, which he was up at 5am to open and play with.
We also had to have a cake, of course, and a fluffy toy at least to witness this momentous occasion. In this case Dinosaur with his birthday T-shirt.

His family in East London had given him some money to spend so off we went to the toy shop. Nicky loves toy shops. After going around and suggesting a few things I was very firmly told that this was his birthday and he would choose. He stood for a long time contemplating various tracks until he chose the one he wanted, which is really awesome. These cars go round electronically, but it takes a bit of practice to get it right. The tracks were also really difficult to put together but I finally figured out that wiggling instead of forcing them would do the trick. (A great metaphor for other things in life too…)I did land up damaging one in this way but managed to fix it with some pliers.

We then went off to see my mom for lunch at the beach. This was our creative solution for seeing each other, keeping our distance and wearing masks. There is also a lot of wind in PE, and especially outside, to blow all the germs away. Nicky also had a lot of fun playing in the sand and on the rocks.

The last highlight of the day was seeing my sister in law and her family drop off a pressie for Nicky. Then we could get back to completing the track and doing lots of races.
I’m really grateful for this child and the gift he is to me. And it was really good to get out the house.
How have you been celebrating your children’s birthdays?
Happy birthday Nicky, may you grow up with a beautiful soul like your mother. God bless.
Thank you Lebo that is such a beautiful thing to say, my friend!
Happy Birthday Nicky. It does sound like you made a special day, even without a big party.
We have only had hubby’s birthday so far.