This afternoon Nicky wanted some cake. I didn’t have any in the house so I got out a recipe book. It was “Sustained Energy for kids” by Gabi Steenkamp, Tanzi Merlin & Jeske Wellmann. This is a healthy alternative to the real thing which has less refined ingredients and more high fibre.
Makes 24 muffins
100ml cocoa powder
30ml oil (2T)
125ml boiling water (1/2 cup)
375 ml cake flour, sifted (1.5 cup)
1,26ml salt (I didn’t use)
20ml baking powder
5ml bicarb
125 ml oat bran (1/2 cup)
250ml ProNutro – whole wheat, original or apple bake (1 cup)
250ml digestive bran (1 cup)
4 eggs, separated
250ml sugar
125ml low fat buttermilk or yoghurt
125ml skimmed or fat free milk
10ml vanilla essence
2 large apples, peeled and grated
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Line your two 12 muffin trays with paper cases. (I didn’t have any, I just used spray and cook)
- In one bowl: place cocoa, oil and boiling water. Stir and set aside.
- In another bowl: sift flour, salt, baking powder and bicarb. Add oat bran, ProNutro and digestive bran, lifting from time to time with the spoon to incorporate air. (Confession: I did not have much ProNutro left and I did not have any digestive bran. I used another cup of oats.)
- Place the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl (I actually used a small one) and beat with an electric mixer for two minutes (use your phone to time). Add the sugar in 2 batches, beating for 1 minute after each addition. (Nicky threw the whole thing in at once, it was more difficult to mix this way, but in the end it was fine).
- Stir buttermilk/yoghurt, skimmed milk, vanilla essence and grated apples lightly into the cocoa and oil mixture.
- Whisk the egg whites to the soft peak stage. (Nicky liked this)
- Add the sifted flour mixture to the egg yolk and sugar mixture, alternatively with the cocoa and buttermilk mixture.
- Lastly, fold in the stiffly whisked egg whites until well blended.
- Spoon the batter into the paper cups, filling them to the top or, if you are making mini muffins, drop a heaped teaspoon of batter into each. (I found it took two desert spoons per muffin of batter)
- Bake for 15-20 minutes until muffins are done. (During this time we backwashed the pool and Nicky jumped in puddles) Remove from oven and leave to cool. To remove first loosen the sides with a knife and then turn them out. (This works really well – prise them with a knife and then grab them).
- They are fine by themselves but there is also a cottage cheese frosting recipe on page 102 of the book.
- NB: The Glycaemic load is 12 which is the maximum for children which is why mini muffins are preferable.
Nicky did not manage to eat the whole thing anyway (he ate about half) and went back to eating his hotdog for supper. He had a few more bites afterwards.
“Do you like them, Nicky?”
“Yes.” (with measured seriousness)
I need to try these!
Thanks Heather for posting this recipe!
Looks like a great school snack too