Please note there are two pages. Click at the bottom for the second one.
You can also see them all on Pinterest.
Do you need to re-define your boundaries? What is getting under your skin? This package is divided between tactile sensitivity and rashes (eczema, acne and itching).
How do you feel about breathing in life? Blocked? Clear? Find out more about a blocked nose, hay fever, sneezing, sinusitis, bleeding and runny nose.
Are you being too rigid? Find out the symbolic meanings of joint pain. This also includes: joint inflammation, bursitis, dislocation, goat, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
Is your body trying to heal your conflict? Until you acknowledge the tension and solve the problem consciously, your body takes it on.
Hair is our crowning glory. It is our appearance message to others. It may make us feel more attractive. What problems are you dealing with, with your hair?
Fatigue (ME)
ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is literally all about “me”. Find your true purpose.
What are your windows to your soul not wanting you to see? This includes the meanings of shortsightedness, longsightedness, colour blindness, pink eye, squinting, cataracts, glaucoma, tearfulness and complete blindness.
Sleep is a basic human need. If you are struggling to let go control and trust in the unconscious part of the day that needs to do its work too, then you need this!