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Digestion happens through the intestines the sorter and releaser. Thinking too much and letting go.
This will include: diarrhea, constipation, colitis, irritable bowl syndrome, candida.
BONUS: Order this and get information on digestion: Can you Stomach Life? Your relationship with food and the meanings of different kinds of food.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is often a symptom of not dealing with problems in a healthy way. Find out more and tap on better ways of coping with conflict.
Back Pain
If you are suffering from back pain, you may feel overburdened or stressed out. Find out the hidden meanings in the different areas of your back and what they are trying to say to you.
Coping with Kids
Drawing from my eight years as a Montessori teacher, plus various courses in play therapy, boundaries with kids as well as books, I have assembled eight tips for stressed out parents and teachers.
If you suffer from asthma, this is essential reading. Learning to breath out and let go is as much important as breathing in, and has all sorts of symbolic implications.
Dealing with the turns in life’s journey. This covers the symbolic interpretation of four kinds of addiction (eating, alcohol, smoking and four major types of drugs) as well as an EFT script that works through the emotional side of addiction.
Adrenal Glands: Origins of Stress
Learn how to relax again with this mp3 specifically targeted at where all that adrenalin comes from. It also includes specific EFT points for fear, anxiety, will and kidneys.
Lift up what is pressing you down. This includes how to release the frozen anger, four possible causes of depression and a forgiveness exercise.
Six Healing Sounds
Refresh your body in six minutes. Amazing technique that clears the heat and toxins from the major organs in your body, ending off with an EFT energy balance.