“Tap into Motherhood” is a program I created leading up to the time I became pregnant.
I knew that part of the problem I was having was emotional and dealing with this was crucial in navigating infertility. Yes, the fertility clinic really helped me with isolating what the problems were and treating them with medications and the laparoscopy operation, and I am forever in their debt. But, the process of just picking up the phone and calling them took guts. Emotional strength. And that is where these sessions were so helpful.
I’ve used different emotional aspects of the infertility process and grouped them into past, present and future. For each section I’ve used a technique called “EFT” – Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is basically like acupuncture without the needles – you tap on certain points while saying certain affirmations. What is cool about this is that you balance both the negative and positive emotions involved in each issue each time, so that each are acknowledged.
Going from barren to having a baby in my arms is just incredible. I have to say I have never experienced happiness like this. Yes, you have exasperating moments too, but it has all been totally worth it. It is like going from a caterpillar, and then becoming a butterfly. So have a listen to my audios and give yourself the opportunity to fly into this amazing dimension.
Session 1: Beginning of your cycle: Dealing with the disappointment of a failed cycle and the hope of starting again.
Session 2: Week 1 of cycle: Dealing with past hurts using Matrix Reimprinting using EFT and The Work (of Bryon Katie).
Session 3: Week 2 of your cycle: Dealing with jealousy.
Session 3: Ovulation: Protecting the relationship with your husband. Plus a visualisation of your reproductive parts and how they will be working optimally.
Session 4: Week 3 of cycle: Future fears of birth, baby and motherhood.
Session 5: Week 4: Get off your butt and take action! (being healthy etc.)
Any Time:
Session 6: Symbolic meanings of infertility: the feminine, letting go.
Session 7: Meditations and Healing Codes: Starting the cycle again.
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