With Mother’s Day just around the corner I would like to take the time to acknowledge my mother, who looked after me! Now that it is my turn to look after a little one, she is still helping me and mothering my son.
Perhaps I have been very unobservant. Perhaps Granny has an effect on Nicky. Perhaps Nicky just decided to show off. Perhaps he is going through a growth spurt.
In any event, my mother (and later my father) arrived and Nicky has been
1) Talking. He had a few words before, but my mom has pointed out to me how much he has been saying. “Did you hear that? He said “kick” when he kicked the ball!” Nope, I never heard it. Am I dumb or what? He apparently says “throw” when he throws too.
I started listening more carefully. He drove past my mom’s room on his scooter and I distinctly heard “Allo!”
I think I must have too much wax in my ears again.
2) Climbing. He does climb, but we were eating at the table and next thing we know he has climbed up onto the table. Yikes! Brave boy.
3) Sliding by himself. I have always helped him slide but now he can do it himself. He is still a bit cautious, and sometimes he climbs down again, but he is now able to slide on the age appropriate slides.
Other things Nicky has been up to lately:
-Spinning: The day after my birthday Nicky turned around in the kitchen and I was thrilled. What a nice birthday present.
-Running: I’m not quite sure when this happened; I just know he is fast now. When I put out the garbage he is no longer a slow walker, but he is so good about not going into the road. I am so proud of him.
-Climbing up and down stairs: He is getting a lot quicker climbing up (if you hold his hand) or he can even lean on the wall as he does it. He can go down from a sitting position.
-Attempting to jump! When he saw the dogs jumping up to greet their friend next door he thought this was very amusing and tried to do it too. He bent down and made some kind of movement. I’m sure he will get it in time.
-Pouring anything he can get his hands on. He even poured his juice into another container.
-Opening and closing containers. He likes the screw on lid type of container. Even a little tube of teejel is fascinating.
My mom gave me some good advice about weaning too. She said that because he is no longer a newborn and that immediate need for boob is lessened, a different kind of parenting is required. Now is the time to figure out what he really wants when he cries: Hungry? Tired? Thirsty? Or just plain bored? I have to move my butt and figure it out, instead of just shoving “the boob solution” at him. No wonder weaning is hard work, and it just seems easier to not do it…
My little boy is just growing every day and learning lots of new things. It is such a privilege to witness this.
Moms are great—I still want mine when I am sick or having a bad day. 🙂 My kids adore their grandma too, isn’t it fun to watch a mom be a grandma?
Congratulations on all the milestones Nicky has reached while your Mom and Dad are there! Clever boy!