It’s been a while since I’ve done some Nicky news so I thought I’d update you all on how he is doing, bullet point style.
-Nicky seems to have moved to another level of being interested in everything around him, particularly in how things work, open and shut and function. He likes going into cupboards that previously have held no interest to him – e.g. the top shelves of my desk, pointing at my recipe books (I gave him the toddler recipe book to look at).
-When I’m cooking in the morning he seems more interested in what I am doing and wants to help. The other day I let him cut some beans with a blunt knife (he figured it was easier to break them with his fingers) and he even helps me wash dishes. Okay, he is just splashing around, standing on his table, but at least he feels included.
–Otherwise we have a little craft table happening. We have some playdough and transport cookie cutters. Of course he doesn’t cut the shapes with the cutters – he lines them up like he does with all his cars and the playdough lands up inside various objects.
-He also likes painting. We got a paint set of three colours from Wimpy and a hippo to paint. Well that hippo has been painted so many times now, in a real mixture of colours. In this picture he was multitasking – eating breakfast at the same time.
-Nicky likes to dance. But it’s more of a galloping movement. So cute though. I put some music on in the kitchen too. At the Wimpy they have music videos (Spice Girls was on) and Nicky decided to do a little dance for us.
-Potty training is continuing, but it’s more from my side. If I put him on the potty he will pee, but he won’t actively motion that he needs to go.
-He is still not sleeping through the night. However it is making a huge difference to have him in his own room for the first part of the night, and then I join him there intermittently.
-After previously not being interested in books he now loves me to read to him. I also recognize it is a delaying tactic for sleep, but part of me is so happy he’s finally showing a love for reading.
-We still have our tantrums, but I guess they are par for the course especially when he hasn’t had enough sleep!
–Nicky loves my phone and is taking his own pictures, even if they are of his foot. He also likes using the Pictago app and applying filters to pics of his cars.
-Nicky is a late talker. But his speech is improving and he is saying more things these days.
-Mama / Dada (the other day he actually said “Mommy”)
-We always say “Night, night Dad” and last night he actually said “Ni, ni”
-Still saying “Ai!” for bye but he can say “bye” and I even heard him say “hello” one time.
-“1,2,3 Go!” is still a favourite but these days he will often just say “Two, Go, Yay!”
-He knows exactly what I’m saying and when questioned can point to pictures e.g. of the duck, cat etc. He will start having a tantrum if I warn him I am going to “make a noise” i.e. use the food processor to make cauli mash.
-Phrases that he uses are “What’s that?” and “I want that!” I guess he uses basic stuff that he needs!
In conclusion, a little super star that continues to bring me lots of joy!
How has he gotten so big?!?
It’s hilarious how attached they get to our phones, isn’t it?!?
I guess he just grew! The phone thing is just… bad…
Cute! Love the dancing video!