I think you all know how grateful I am to be a mom. However there are times when being a parent is especially challenging with a three year old who becomes stuck on certain things at the worst times of the day.
In this case, wanting wet batman pants at bedtime.
Let me put you in the picture. The previous night Nicky had had an accident in his new Batman pajamas. (He really likes these PJs very much). It happened at about 12:30 am and I had to change his pants and bring him to the big bed. It took him a while to get to sleep. He definitely needed that afternoon nap.
In any case, I had put the duvet and sheets through the washing machine but didn’t really think to put the Batman pants in. He does have three other warm winter pajamas he could use, and I didn’t think it would be an issue.
Major mistake.
In the evening after bath time we get ready for bed with pajamas. But Nicky is very upset to learn that although he can have his Batman top, he can’t have the pants. They are in the laundry basket.
He laughs a bit when I tell him they are too stinky. But it doesn’t stop the tears. He refuses all other pants and they get thrown across the room. He doesn’t even want to listen to a story. He begs and pleads for his batman pants.
“Peez Mom I want my Batman pants.”
I am seriously losing my cool. I call DH to intervene and he suggests putting them in water to explain how they are dirty.
“Peez Mom I want my Batman pants.”
Something in those pleading eyes melts me a bit and I decide to try something which may or may not work. I put Omo in the bucket and wash and rinse the pants. I then place them in the tumble dryer.
“Where my Batman pants?” I get the question.
I explain that they are being dried and get a bit of reprieve to read a story.
But once the story is done, teeth are brushed and it is really bedtime now, he is inconsolable. We test the pants and they are still very much wet.
Now he is crying and refusing to put on other pants and I am losing myself again. When I start yelling DH comes in and gives me a break. He even brings the wet pants to show Nicky again. But Nicky is devastated and crying and very upset. No other pants will do.
In the meantime while DH has been busy with him I have poured myself a cup of decaf coffee and sipping that for a bit has given me a bit of strength to enter the tantrum zone again.
I tell him I am so sorry that his pants are wet and I do wish they were dry. I feel because I had a break I have more patience this time round.
He cries and I pull him into the bed. As a last resort I offer him some boob (which doesn’t get used much these days) and he curls up with his hand across me and falls asleep with exhaustion – both physical and emotional.
I ease out from his sleeping body and put the tumble dryer on another cycle.
Later we feel that the pants are finally dry and put them on his sleeping body.
Batman can sleep in peace at last.
Sigh!!! Strong willed boy. It was has it advantages but sometimes it just drives mommy nuts. Sorry mommy.
ah thanks!