I’m aware that the sensitive period for order will be with us right up until four years old. But it seems that at this age everything must be in a certain way, or else much grief will ensue. Case in point: 4am and we don’t have the perfect biscuit, or in Nicky’s terms, “biccy”.
I’m getting rather tired of these early mornings. In every sense of the word. But Nicky seems to think it’s a great time to wake up and demand a zebra, some “duice” or the eternal “biccy”.
So off we went to the kitchen to get the biscuit.
NO. This biscuit will not do. It has some inperfection. It could be a crack, it could be a bump, I have no idea. I’m a bit too tired to care. In any case, I grab another one and back we go to the bedroom.
We get there and Nicky inspects this biccy.
He totally loses it. “Biccy! ‘Nother One!” He is in the throws of a full on tantrum that will not be stopped or reasoned with. I don’t even think trying to give him another biccy at this point is going to help. He is on his back, he is throwing biscuits, and nothing will console him.
At this point the entire house is awake and there are broken biscuits all over the passage floor.
Dear Husband wants to know what on earth is going on and I explain how the important it is in the eyes of a toddler to have the perfect biscuit. He tells Nicky that if he doesn’t watch out, Milo will eat his biscuits.
“Come, Milo!” Our dogs are always up for a snack. Coff-dog also comes running.
The presence of the rest of his family has some kind of calming effect on our little one and, as everyone returns to their beds, I take Nicky, to the container of biscuits and tell him he can have his choice. With this sorted, we are back to bed, but it takes him a long time to go to sleep.
I’m really hoping that at some point Nicky will stop waking up at these unearthly hours with these crazy demands. I need my sleep, and my sanity.
In other news, we are starting to get ready for Nicky’s birthday. We have got him a pedal car which he just could not wait for. He is having fun driving it up and down the driveway. I put it at the top and he goes down. Here is a video of him at the toy shop:
Ah, I too know the trauma that an imperfect biscuit can cause. And early morning wake ups. 🙂
Oh gosh I remember those perfect biscuit days…. I always subscribed to the theory that if you wake up anything before 5 there is nothing to eat or drink, no getting up – we lie down and try to sleep. It takes a lot of courage but it does work.
Oh gosh! The perfect biscuit!!! I know that so well. Jack will not eat anything broken!!! So now I make a point of making sure Emma has nothing perfect – lol – I said to David she will probably have the opposite issue!
Oh shame. Good luck with those early morning wake-ups. Dreading the perfect biscuit stage with my two.