Hello bleeps.
You haven’t heard from me in a while because hackers think it’s fine to just remove my site and place their strange messages on this place.
On the 22nd of August I noticed that I had been hacked by Sizzling Soul. This dude even has a facebook page here (if you go there you can see he put me at the top of his list). He had his Pakistani flags up and some militant messages flashing.
Because this had happened before, and I have a super host who do backups, I wasn’t that concerned. I got things up and running. Then, what do you know? He hacks me AGAIN! In fact, at one stage, if you kept refreshing my page, you would sometimes get my blog, and sometimes get Sizzing Soul.
After some investigation and googling, I realised because I hadn’t upgraded to the latest version of WordPress, my blog was vulnerable.
So once we were back I got that done. I also had to redo some bits and pieces, but we were getting there.
And then I get hacked by another guy. Paradox.
Now, this is really getting too much.
I continue with my googling, and find a guy who wrote an excellent article on clearing your WordPress site. But by restoring a version before the hackers got hold of me, I’m hoping to avoid that. I also read up on some plugins that may help. But some are outdated and others don’t have support. Ths whole thing just sucks.
While all this was going on I decided to redesign my header, wondering if I might just have to give up and start somewhere else. For now, I’m up and running, and will enjoy blogging in this space.
I love the picture of the mother and child, and all the tendrils of branches around them. I also like the butterflies. A butterfly has to go through a cocoon as a caterpillar before it graduates to having wings. Similarly, the child I have now is the product of years of infertility struggle as well as pregnancy. But right now I am happy to say we have survived and are thriving.
Nicholas weighed 5.5 kg at his vaccinations on Wednesday. He is smiling and making little noises like a telletubbie. I am getting around the sleep problem by having him in the bed with me. He’s also been in the baby carrier the past two days when I’ve made supper. He likes to be close! Today we had our first adventure at the grocery store in one of those infant seats on top of the trolley. (I normally put him in the wrap). He was fascinated and didn’t even cry when we got to the till.
Otherwise, not much else is new. The weather is getting warmer so he doesn’t have to wear the polar fleece anymore and he is growing out of more and more of the clothes. Yes, he sure is growing and thriving well.
Ugh! Sorry about the hacking but I love the new header. What a cute pic of Nicholas – he looks so content.
Thanks Jody!
I was hacked about 9 months ago. It was such a HUGE pain in the butt. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to recover the site. Glad you’re back up and running.
Welcome back! What a pain in the bad.
Good to hear things are going so well with N. Kyra had the same top as on the picture!
Hi there girl,
glad you are back. we’ve missed ya.
Haha telletubbie 🙂 I have one at home too and yes, he likes to be close as well. Very needy boy lol.
Nic Nac is getting big eh? And very cute 😉
That’s really annoying, and then the hacking happened again for you, unbelievable. I really like your new header though, and glad to read all is going well over there with little N.
Thanks, ladies 🙂