Hello bleeps!
This week featured two rather unpleasant tasks. For me, resigning my job and for Nicholas, having his injections.
Both of these turned out to be not as bad as I had thought, and once the deed was done, rather like ripping off a band-aid, it wasn’t so bad after all.
Quitting my job was something I had been wrestling with for some time. I also prayed about it, and still felt whichever way I chose it would be ok. But quite frankly going back to work and leaving Nicholas in someone else’s care, when I did have the choice, did not sit right with me. I also knew exactly what my job entailed (the long hours and extra work over evenings and weekends) and I knew for sure that if I did this I would not have a chance to pump and would also go completely over to formula, never mind giving Nic Nac less attention. One very hard thing about giving up being a teacher at that school was giving up the free and very high quality education that I know he would get there if I stayed. But I really hope that at the time he needs to start school I can get another job -that is why this decision is such a step of faith. But once I had pressed “send” on that email, the deed was done. And my boss was very nice about it, too. The whole thing has made me more focused on Nic, which is great.
(Please note that I have no objection to moms who do go back to work. I think that women can really be too hard on each other, and everyone needs to do what’s right for them. This is just my story.).
On Wednesday we went to the clinic to get Nicholas’ vaccinations done. The sister gave me various options and I decided to go with some private and some government options in terms of quality and cost, that made the best sense. He was very brave and only cried during the actual time of the injection. I tried to keep him close to me as much as possible after that. I had to go visit a friend that late afternoon, and he was a bit miserable. But as soon as we got home and I put on the heater, he gave me a big smile, and I knew everything was going to be fine.
By the way, his eye is fine now, but we are still working on the excema.
So that was our week. How was yours?
So glad that you made your decision and that you will have more time with your Nic Nac when he is small. Very happy to hear the eye has cleared up and I hope the eczema gets better soon.
Really glad that you followed your heart to the right decision for you Heather!
What a smile! So happy for you to be able to stay home with him – I wish that I could, but unless hubby finds a great new job or we win the lottery (and we aren’t even buying tickets, haha), it can’t happen for now. Maybe I can drop back to part time in a couple of years, if I’m lucky. Not looking forward to going back in a few weeks, not at all.
Well done on being so strong… I can’t imagine how hard this decision must have been but I’m proud of you for making it. In the end we have to do what is right for us at the time. Proud of you!
Congrats on making such a big decision! I am sure that whatever he does not get from whatever school you will enrol him in you will be there with your experience to compliment what he is learning and offer him whatever is lacking at school. It is a shame that not more mom’s are able (due to finances etc etc) to be home with their children. But I guess it is the times we are living in.
Congrats on deciding to stay home! It’s a tough decision – I know! It took me a while to get into the SAHM groove, but I love it now! I actually went back to work for 7 weeks before quitting to make sure I was making the right decision for me. Best decision I ever made!
Nicholas is a cutie! He looks very happy!
Don’t you just hate when they need shots? I dread it, but it has become a little easier to handle. I think it’s harder on me than it is on him. I make B come with me now 😉