I came across this excellent post (10 Things You Don't Need for a New Baby) and it made me think about all the unused baby stuff we have around the house. It also got me thinking about what you really need for a baby. But first I thought I'd comment on her post: I agree with her: you don't … [Read more...]
Granny’s Visit
June has been our month for visitors. We first had DH's parents visiting for his party, and my MIL was a huge help in making that a success. I had a week break and then my mother arrived. Granny enjoyed playing with Nicky. They had fun clapping hands and showing how to walk. My mom also … [Read more...]
If he cries, you should put a boob on it…
(coutesy http://justmommies.com) If you're a fan of my poetry (remember my fertility poetry: - I just haven't met you yet, I'm over it, Happiness), I now have a baby version based on my go to solution for baby cries when all else is exhausted. Obviously if he dropped his toy - pick it up, if … [Read more...]
Nicky’s First Birthday
Last year this time I was sitting in hospital with a tiny baby. Nicky has since tripled his weight and is now 9.95kg! We celebrated the passing of his first year with a Winnie the Pooh themed party. My in laws were also here to help (and bake) which contributed to a fantastic time. He … [Read more...]
The Natural Mothering eBook Bundle – a $525 value for only $29.97!
I've just been downloading a whole load of ebooks. I actually don't know how I got there. It was one of those comment love posts that I just clicked through. But there is a load of stuff there including fertility ebooks that I know lots of you would be interested in. Even on feeding and potty … [Read more...]
Solids update
I read somewhere on someone’s blog comments that a pediatrician was quoted as saying “Food before One is Just for Fun.” Well, it may be fun for Nicky, but it certainly isn’t for me. And since he is turning one on the 13th of June, we need to step things up. Here is a blow by blow report of how … [Read more...]
Prayers for Nicky
For a while now I've wanted to publicly give thanks for this very special life that God has entrusted us with. I know I'm not the best mother but I'm doing what I can and it was rather nice to do this on Mother's Day. We had some friends in lieu of family around and we prayed for Nicky. We gave … [Read more...]
Dirty Days
Some days when we aren't going anywhere, mom lets me loose. That means I can crawl around everywhere as much as I want, and get as dirty as I want too. Our house is a dog house. We love Coffee and Milo terribly, and don't know what we'd do without them, but they sure can drop hair all over the … [Read more...]
Do we need a baby crash helmet?
In the last series of "Shameless" I noticed that baby Heimi had a weird kind of black and white padded hat on his head, and I wondered what the heck the thing was for. I mean, was the baby bouncing off the walls? Bouncing around subject to the neglect rampant for all children in the family? Now … [Read more...]
Join The Movement
National infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is with us again, and this time they are challenging us as to how we have contributed to infertility awareness and support. I feel a bit inadequate about my contribution to infertility. But I came across this quote and realised that it is the … [Read more...]